Coherent SpaceTM Restoration Technology!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
About this Technology for Increasing Coherence in Biofield, Space and Equipment

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The intent of this page is to reproduce some frequently asked questions and my replies to them.

A brief note as of July 20, 2006: Due to the unexpected and very high level of interest in the latest generation of my devices using this Coherent Space technology across a wide range of potential users, we have started to produce limited quantities of these prototype PoP devices to make them available for serious experimenters and researchers. Thus, while this is not primarily a sales site, we are, at this early stage in the release of this generation of the technology, willing and able to make small quantities of these prototype PoP devices available to interested parties. Thus, if you are either a) an individual who wishes to acquire a device for personal research, personal use and evaluation, or b) a commercial researcher and development (R&D) lab or an OEM, and you are interested in procuring a device, then you will wish to see the Prototype Products page on this site.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Index

Q: Do You Ship Outside the USA?

Q: Is it necessary to be some kind of professional scientist or engineer or health researcher, or are the PoP prototype devices also available for sale to life-experimenters, meaning those private individuals who are committed to experimenting with finding ways to reach greater levels of vitality and health?

Q: Will I need any special tools in order to set up or use any of these prototype devices?

Q: You have mentioned that some very healthy users, in the early stages of exposure to your quantum noise quieting devices, seem to go through a very short tissue detoxification period, where they get flu-like symptoms, fatigue, or "brain fog" for a few days. Will you tell me more about this? I ask you because I went through this kind of detox pattern twice myself, once when I started to receive acupuncture and once when I started to eat a mostly-raw diet. I am wondering if this will happen to me.

Q: I have been hearing reports that the ORP of your urine seems to have dropped quite a bit since you started using your devices at home. This would indicate better antioxidant reserves in your body, and maybe lesser antioxidative stress in the body. Care to comment?

Q: Are your devices related to orgone energy? Do they produce orgone energy?

Q: Are your devices related to scalar fields or scalar waves? Do they produce scalar waves?

Q: There have been sporadic reports -- and there were even claims on their website for a while in the mid-1990s from one manufacturer of a similar device -- that being present in the field of a device such as your Quantum Coherence devices can allow a person to more easily enter a state of psychophysiological coherence or heart coherence. Is this true in your experience? How about your devices?

Q: Some dowser friends have claimed that these devices of yours will also protect against most geopathic energies. Is this true? What do you think?

Q: Do your devices contain orgonite, meaning do they contain crystals or pieces of metal suspended in plastic or resin?

Q: Some psychics seem to be claiming that your devices (the question applied to the Quantum Coherence devices) seem to have an accidental side-effect of reducing the chances of an earthquake in an area, by lessening some kind of subtle energy tension which had accumulated in geologic structures, like along the boundaries of tectonic plates. Can you tell me more?

Q: On your pages, you say that the larger Quantum Coherence devices, especially the battery-powered ones, have a stronger effect than the smaller ones. I would like to know under what conditions the different strengths of the quantum coherence devices become significant.

Q: Who seems to respond most strongly to the effects of the Quantum Coherence devices? Who seems to respond far less strongly?

Q: What kind of results can I expect from using one of these Quantum Coherence devices? What kind or results have you noticed?

Q: I hear that some types of devices produce EMF detox symptoms for some users in the early stages. Will your Quantum Coherence devices do so?

Q: What is "intent technology"? I keep hearing that many of the so-called EMF protective devices on the market use "intent" or "intent technology." And, do your devices use this technology?

Q: A few of the EMF-protective devices on the market, notably the Clarus Q-Link pendant, have been found by some clairvoyants to pretty much reliably strengthen or increase the aura or biofield around a person. Will your quantum coherence-type devices do this as well?

Q: The vendors of a few EMF-protective devices on the market have claimed at times that their device will actually lessen electric and magnetic and electromagnetic (i.e., radio waves) fields -- the same EMF fields that are measured by any good tri-field monitoring meter -- near the device or user. They have claimed that turning their device on will reduce the readings on a tri-field meter. But, I think those companies have stopped making those claims, probably because those claims did not pan out for customers and people complained. So, will your quantum coherence-type devices lower the readings on a tri-field monitoring meter? Will they reduce the strength of electric and magnetic and EM fields?

Q: Some psychics and intuitives, and also some UFO buffs, have stated that running one of your Quantum Coherence devices may reduce the chances of UFO activity or other anomalous activity (ed. note: i.e. anomalous animal sightings, etc.) in an area. Is this true? I am a UFO researcher and I cannot afford to miss out on a nearby UFO appearance!

Q: Some of the other brands and models of subtle energy area treatment devices which claim similar EMF-protective effects (ed. note: i.e., effects such as protecting against harmful subtle energy effects of EMF) also claim that their devices will purify drinking water and remove all contaminants from tap water such as municipal tap water or contaminated water sources which contain heavy metals, fluoride, or other toxins. Will any of your devices do this as well?

Q: I have heard claims from vendors of some similar devices in the past that their devices will prevent pinging in automobile engines, but after a while, they stopped making the claims. I guess too many people complained that it didn't work. Now I am hearing a few reports that your quantum coherence devices really do reduce pinging in automobile engines greatly. Is that true?

Q: I have heard claims from vendors of some similar devices in the past that their quantum coherence devices will increase gas mileage in automobile engines, but after a while, they stopped making the claims. I guess too many people complained that it didn't work. Now I am hearing that your quantum coherence devices really do increase gas mileage in automobile engines greatly. Is that true?

Q: Some vendors and some alternative healthcare practitioners and psychics seem to claim that some of the better subtle energy protective devices in this field will also somehow -- in some mysterious way -- protect a person against harmful or malevolent possessing entities or attached entities or spirits. What do you think?

Followup [added Feb, 2008]: Response to "dire warnings" of evil entities.

Q: Do your devices contain any ormus elements?

Q: Driving on major roads leaves me fatigued and foggy (in the brain). Will a device such as your Quantum Coherence device help to prevent this fatigue while I am driving?

Q: I have noticed that you seem to avoid marketing your devices to ES sufferers and EHS suffers, and particularly to those who claim to be victims of EH. However, I think this could be a big marketplace for you. Why do you avoid trying to sell your devices to our community?

Q: [added Oct 22, 2006] Isn't it true that the explanations for the "quantum noise" and the way in which your coherence device (and similar devices as well) works more likely lies in a realm beyond quantum physics, the realm which is known as "subquantum physics", and also known as "subquantum kinetics" or "subquantum mechanics"?

Q: [added Oct 22, 2006] I am a rather sensitive intuitive and clairvoyant, but I am not particularly electrosensitive. When I first turned on your Quantum Coherence device (model SWHO-09), I felt overwhelmed and oppressed, kind of by a weight or heaviness. Then, when I tried turning on the device a few days later, and again on other days after that, I felt absolutely no effect from it at all. What is this about? 

Q: [added Oct 22, 2006] I am an energy healer. I felt no effects from using your Quantum Coherence device (the model HO-09), and this is not new. I have tried many area treatment devices and many of the Clarus devices over the years, including the Clarus Qlink pendant, and I have never felt any effects from any of them. Yet, some of these devices, including the QLink, claim that they will affect my biofield directly and make it stronger, but I still do not feel any effect. Why is this?

Q: [added Dec 7, 2006] Do any of your Quantum Coherence devices employ the Schumann Resonance, perhaps emitted by a magnetic field antenna or by a scalar field antenna? I ask because there are a number of such Schumann Resonance devices on the market, all of which claim to offer protection from harmful effects of EMF, and because the early 1970's-era Earth Resonance Generator (ERG) which was developed and marketed by Patrick Flanagan, used an signal at the Schumann frequency feeding a scalar antenna, and his ERG device was quite well-received at the time by users.

Q: [added Dec 7, 2006] Would you consider acoustic noise from physical sources such as trucks, loud voices, machines, the buzz of a terribly crowded and populated city, the stressful hustle and bustle of urban traffic and etc. to be incoherent and chaotic noise sources which your devices may help to transform -- much as they do with the subquantum aspects EMF noise -- into a more coherent structure in a particular space?

Q: [added Dec 7, 2006] You and other writers in this field refer repeatedly to the sub-quantum or quantum-level effects when explaining your devices. I keep reading on the web about scalar waves, and I keep hearing also that scalar waves can directly affect quantum and sub-quantum phenomena. You have indicated that some of your devices can act as a "strange attractor" for noisy scalar wave signals and somehow lend coherence to them. My problem is this: There has been so much nonsense written on the web about these scalar waves that I am not sure that they exist at all. What is your opinion on this matter: do you believe that scalar waves exist?

Q: [added Dec 7, 2006] I am exploring the purchase of a EMF device, but it is not because I feel sensitive to EMF. Rather, I find the environment in the city in which I live to be very unnatural. I want to find a way to bring the positive vibrations of nature into my surroundings so that I can get better rest, relaxation, and peace of mind. I am sure there are also EMF issues involved, but my primary motivation is to find a device to help bring positivity into the environment. Will your device and other EMF protective devices help?

Considering the rather high price, I may be better off first trying a cheap pendant protective device which is much less expensive.

Q: [added Dec 14, 2006] I've had my coherent space device for some months now and seeing as I have been feeling so well, I started using it less and not carrying it with me everywhere (I have model auto-21). I felt fine to start with and wondered if the positive benefits I attributed to having the device were instead really a result of something else. Then it started again: after about a week of not having the device with me much, I began having joint pains (a recurrence of my old electrosmog symptoms). So I began carrying the device with me again and thankfully my electrosmog pains once again disappeared. What is going on here? Why the lag in the return of symptoms when I stopped using the device?

Q: [added Dec 18, 2006] [Coherence Q, PART A] I respect your approach to the design of your devices. You've said yours are one of the few EMF protection devices that do not use either intent technology nor broadcast a signal but instead use true coherence technology.

Q: [added Dec 18, 2006] [Coherence Q, PART B] Correct me if I am wrong, but I think this means that your devices function by introducing a level of natural "purity" to a space whereas many other devices introduce the designers' own interpretation of what they consider to be "reality" or "purity". A danger in this is that you don't know they level of purity of mind these designers have. What if they are knowingly or unknowingly introducing impure intents?

Q: [added Dec 18, 2006] [Coherence Q, PART C] I would assume that the other devices you mention may function much like a mantra, in that they mask out harmful vibrations and noise so that you can feel more peaceful and quiet. However, the problem with using such external sources of vibrations is that you lose awareness of the actual real reality of your body and mind at this moment.

Q: [added Dec 18, 2006] [Coherence Q, PART D] Also, I am assuming that perhaps your devices function differently in that they merely help passively quiet a space and to bring it back to a coherent state (much like when you go to nature), rather than introducing new active energy. If this is true, then I think it would be a conducive thing for my Vipassana meditation practice to have the device in the space.

Q: Gee, this stuff is interesting, are there any list groups about these kinds of devices?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Answers

Q: Do You Ship Outside the USA?

A: Yes, we do ship regularly to countries outside the USA. We ship all outside-US orders via USPS Global Express Mail insured, as it is relatively inexpensive and quite reliable, and even offers a modicum of a tracking number. If you need a quote on S/H charges via USPS Global Express Mail to your country for one or more devices, please just ask and I will send you an exact S/H charge quote via return email. We can also ship to foreign countries via UPS if you ask us to do so, but that mode of shipping is considerably more expensive than USPS Global Express Mail.

All customers outside USA are responsible for paying any customs fees, broker fees, import duty and any other fees which may be incurred by shipment of products.

Q: Is it necessary to be some kind of professional scientist or engineer or health researcher, or are the PoP prototype devices also available for sale to life-experimenters, meaning those private individuals who are committed to experimenting with finding ways to reach greater levels of vitality and health?
A: No, it is not necessary to be a professional to order a device, particularly in this field, where these devices -- like all the devices in this field -- employ concepts and principles that are admittedly at and beyond the outer limits of modern Western science. Rather, almost anyone who is a sincere life-experimenter, and who understands that these are experimental research devices, is welcome to order! Please just check in with me before ordering anything so we can review your choices and so I can tell you a bit more about the technology and what to expect. And, be advised that some people -- particularly those who are already engaging in healthful" behaviors such as eating a largely-raw diet, or ingesting syntropic antioxidative microbial (SAM) culture (loaded with beneficial microbes and antioxidants), may experience detoxification symptoms (just as occurs at times at start of syntropic antioxidative microbial (SAM) ingestion, of acupuncture, and of some herbal treatments) for about 4-5 days (or even longer) near the beginning of their exposure to devices in the Quantum Coherence line and also perhaps the Negentropic Field Effect line; this is a temporary cleansing reaction as the body has more energy available to it for inner "housekeeping" work, and this interim period of cleansing -- if it occurs at all -- will pass quickly. 

Q: Will I need any special tools in order to set up or use any of these prototype devices?

A: For any of the battery-powered models, you will need a small Phillips-head (cross head) screwdriver in order to remove the four screws securing the case in order to install or replace the AA batteries (supplied with device) in their holder.  Beyond that, you will not need any special tools to maintain the device or to use it.

Q: You have mentioned that some very healthy users, in the early stages of exposure to your quantum noise quieting devices, seem to go through a very short tissue detoxification period, where they get flu-like symptoms, fatigue, or "brain fog" for a few days. Will you tell me more about this? I ask you because I went through this kind of detox pattern twice myself, once when I started to receive acupuncture and once when I started to eat a mostly-raw diet. I am wondering if this will happen to me.

A: Yes, this seems to be true for some folks -- including myself and Sue -- in the early stages of exposure to the Quantum Coherence devices and later, during early stages of exposure to the Negentropic Field Effect device, but it seems to be usually true only those folks who have already made some major efforts to improve their levels of health and vitality. I have noticed that folks who are eating a relatively healthy diet (i.e., at least partially raw) and including beneficial microbial / antioxidant supplements such as the syntropic antioxidative microbial (SAM) brews in their diet, and who do not drink significant amounts of alcohol nor smoke, and who do not eat "junk foods", sometimes seem to go through a temporary 3 to 5 day long "tissue detoxification" or "tissue cleansing" after having been exposed to the effects of my "quantum noise quieting" or "quantum coherence" Coherent Space devices for a few days or weeks. However I have never seen this detox effect in the past with the other brands and lines of devices available on the market; for example, I have never had this happen with any of my Clarus devices which I have owned for many years, even the ones which treat an area 35 foot or 40 foot in radius. Nor have I ever seen this effect with the earlier generations of my devices, which admittedly were not as powerful.

In any case, this type of temporary tissue detoxification or tissue cleansing effect is often seen in persons who are starting on raw diets, or who are starting acupuncture treatment, or comprehensive herbal treatment (particularly Asian herbal medicine), or who have started to practice some "energy" self-healing modalities (including some types of Qi Gong, aka Chi Kung), and also in folks who have just started to ingest syntropic antioxidative microbial (SAM) nutritional brews, and in some people who first start using Rife-type plasma devices; some folks claim to see the same tissue cleansing symptoms with very comprehensive homeopathic treatments as well. However, I must admit that this effect was very much unexpected in the case of this latest generation of my quantum coherence devices, and frankly, it caught me totally by surprise at first. In my case and Sue's, we each went through three to five days of "detoxification" symptoms after the latest generation of the device had been in the "on" mode here for about three days, after which we felt more energetic and more clear than before. Now, of course, we both eat very healthy diets, including lots of raw and organic and pasture-fed foods, and drink lots of raw syntropic antioxidative microbial (SAM) brews, and I also ingest at least one capsule each day of Patrick Flanagan's MegaH hydrogen antioxidant product, and we both also get a lot of barefoot contact with the earth, and so we have each seen our bodies go through several detoxification or cleansing cycles in the past. In each of our cases, the general "body detoxification" symptoms which became evident soon after I first activated the newest quantum noise quieting technology were fatigue, brain fog, and a bit of flu-like symptoms, but we also each witnessed brief flare-ups of old very familiar and "personalized" cleansing symptoms (i.e., symptoms unique to our body's health history, such as discharges from the eyes, or localized pains) as well, and after they passed, we noticed that we had higher levels of energy and clarity.

My own theory -- speaking as a scientist and also based on my training as an acupuncturist and my background as an intuitive and spiritual healer -- of how and why this "cleansing" effect occurs for some persons in the early stages of exposure to this latest generation of these devices is that the body suddenly seems to have an extra 30% or so of what I will call -- borrowing from my acupuncture training -- "essential deep inner energy" or "deep chi" (some Asian systems call this "jing chi" or "jing qi", while some Western healthcare practitioners call this "deep battery") at its disposal. Energy that it had apparently previously spent in trying to cope with the flood of inharmonious "quantum noise" signals from the environment due to "spillover" from EMF phenomena, and that this sudden availability of higher levels of inner energy allows the body to pay more attention to basic health maintenance needs; in some persons, this may result in temporary "detox" symptoms.

I seem to observe so far that this "cleansing" phenomenon is not only brief, but that it only seems to occur in folks who have already done quite a bit of healing / regeneration work on the body, and who are eating a diet much as I described above, and not in most "normal" people, that is, people who are eating rather mainstream SAD diets (Standard American diet) or who are not getting enough sleep or who are otherwise stressing their bodies chronically.

Q: I have been hearing reports that the ORP of your urine seems to have dropped quite a bit since you started using your devices at home. This would indicate better antioxidant reserves in your body, and maybe lesser antioxidative stress in the body. Care to comment?

A: Yes, this is true that the ORP of my urine has dropped. I tend to monitor the ORP of my urine, as it is, to me, a quick and convenient indicator of whole-body antioxidant status and also a great indicator of overall oxidative stress. Further, there have been some published studies in the scientific lit which indicate that ORP of bodily fluids is an excellent indicator of whole body health and vitality and also a good predictor of morbidity and mortality from all causes, wherein higher ORP (i.e., in the oxidative range) indicates lower vitality and greater morbidity and mortality, while lower ORP indicates greater health and vitality and lower morbidity and mortality rates. And yes, in the few weeks since I have started using this latest generation of my devices, the ORP of my urine seems to have dropped by about 100 points or more, which would indicate to me more antioxidant power in my urine and thus lesser levels of oxidative stress and damage in my body. Now, my urinary ORP has always been rather low, because of my eating a partly-raw diet and avoiding junk foods and also ingesting lots of syntropic antioxidative microbial (SAM) brews (and also ingesting Patrick Flanagan's MegaH antioxidant supplement), and so a consistent drop of about another 100 points was noticeable. I speculate that this may be because the devices are lessening the adverse effects of EMF radiation upon my body, and thus reducing the levels of concomitant oxidative damage from such stress, as oxidative damage is often the most common harm wrought by such "external" stressors. Now, the one thing that I cannot tell you is which of my devices -- if any -- may be helping to facilitate that effect of lowering urinary ORP. This is because I have two different Coherent Space devices running at all time here, basically my active home / office device and also the antioxidative field effect device, which I tend to call the "Negentropic (Anti-Entropic) Field Effect" device. So, I cannot tell you if the effect is largely attributable to one or both, if it is attributable to either. My intuition tells me that about 40% of the observed effect is due to the Quantum Coherence device, while the remainder is due to the negentropic field effect device.

Q: Are your devices related to orgone energy? Do they produce orgone energy?

A: Well first, lets be clear on what is meant by the term orgone energy. This term is onme of many terms used to indicatea any of vasrious types of subtle energy, aka ki, qui, chi, prana, bioenergy or etheric energy -- and it is a term seems to be primarily used by followers of Wilhelm Reich, who was a 1900s German medical doctor and psychiatrist who talked a lot about the subtle energies in the body and in the world around us; his work led to the development of several types of bodywork-oriented therapies. Reich coined the term orgone early in the 20th century to denote any of various beneficial subtle energies present in the body or in the environment; he also used the shorthand term OR for these energies. And conversely, he also felt that there were some harmful subtle energies present in the environment -- particularly associated with some of the technologies produced by modern Western civilization -- and he called these harmful subtle energies by the name deadly orgone, or DOR for short.  

So, in summary, Reich used the terms orgone and DOR to indicate any of several types of subtle energies, where other researchers and earlier cultures as well have employed names such as subtle energy, chi, qi, ki, prana, vital force, bio-energy, mana, tachyon energy, wave resonance, gravity energy, gravity waves, tensor field energy (I personally find these last five terms rather irritating, as they are so broad and can mean so many things), scalar waves or scalar fields to indicate the same subtle energies. And, better -- just to make things more fun -- many ancient Asian traditions claim that there are many different types or levels of these subtle energies, varying in degree of subtlety or coarseness. For example, I trained in Taoist acupuncture many years ago with an elderly Taoist acupuncturist who was descended from a family lineage in China where his ancestors had been acupuncturists for over 50 generations. He told me that the ancient Taoist acupuncturists taught that there were at least one hundred different types of chi (aka qi or prana or orgone) present in the body (and in the outer world), each of which varied in degrees of fineness or coarseness. i.e., in degrees of subtlety. And, a couple of years later, when I trained in a graduate program in Worsley's Five Elements Acupuncture -- which, looking back, is best described as a shamanic-like system based upon a wooly hodge-podge of Chinese acupuncture, Japanese acupuncture, French acupuncture (and even a bit of Korean acupuncture) and European mysticism -- I discovered that the Worsely Five Elements tradition taught there were at least thirty different types or levels or chi (or ki or qi), and perhaps that the number ranged as high as ninety different types of chi, i.e., degrees of subtlety of chi.  

The Coherent Space Quantum Coherence devices do work with subtle energy, aka chi or ki or qi, and therefore, if you prefer to employ the terminology used by Reich, then yes, they do work with orgone energy. As has been mentioned on other pages on this website, an over-simplified way of conceptualizing what the devices in my Quantum Coherence line do is to visualize that they attract harmful subtle energies, what Reich would have called deadly orgone or DOR, and scrub them or cleanse them to remove incoherence and to restore quantum coherence to them, allowing them to become transformed or transmuted into beneficial coherent subtle energies, aka beneficial qi or chi or orgone.

Do the Coherent Space Quantum Coherence devices produce, collect, aggregate, accumulate or store subtle energies (aka qi or prana or orgone) in the way that orgone accumulators, orgone boxes, or Joe Cells do ? No, the devices in my Quantum Coherence line do not produce, store or create any subtle energies, and rather, they only act as strange attractors to attract incoherent harmful subtle energies, and then to remove the incoherent aspects or incoherent information from these energies, to facilitate their transmutation into beneficial and coherent subtle energies, aka qi or ki or orgone. The only devices that I offer which emit any kind of subtle energies (aka chi or orgone) is the Negentropic Field Effect devices and the Violet Lght of Peace device, nd even these devices really do not act as orgone accumulators or batteries, but rather, they modulate the nearby subtle energy field (aka orgone) with beneficial "frequencies" or modes or fields (you may pick and choose whatever term works best for you...)

Q: Are your devices related to scalar fields or scalar waves? Do they produce scalar waves?

A: The terms scalar field and scalar wave have been used in our technological Western society as a more modern term to indicate any of several various types of subtle energies, aka -- as noted above -- chi, ki, prana, mana, qi, gravity waves, or orgone energy. And, just as with these other terms mentioned above, the terms scalar field or scalar wave are used to indicate both the natural subtle energies present in any living organism, and also those present naturally in the environment, and also those subtle energies produced by manmade electrical and electronic equipment.

Therefore, for your answers to your questions about scalar waves, please see the reply immediately above, written in response to the questions about orgone energy.

Q: There have been sporadic reports -- and there were even claims on their website for a while in the mid-1990s from one manufacturer of a similar device -- that being present in the field of a device such as your Quantum Coherence devices can allow a person to more easily enter a state of psychophysiological coherence or heart coherence. Is this true in your experience? How about your devices?

A: Well, you are talking here about psychophysical coherence, which is sometimes referenced as heart coherence or heart entrainment or even simply as coherence. Yes, I believe that it is likely true for some of the more powerful quantum coherence effect devices currently on the market, and speaking from personal experience, I can definitely tell you that both my personal inner experience and the display in the feedback window on my Heartmath emWave Desktop (previously known as emWave PC or the Freeze Framer) (with ear clip sensor), when I use it -- indicate that I do enter a state of higher coherence far more quickly and readily when my Coherent Space device is running. I never noticed this effect to any significant degree with earlier versions of this technology, nor with some of the other brands that I have used in the past.

Incidentally, while we are on this topic, a company that makes and markets devices in this field started claiming in their advertising -- both on the web and in print media -- in the late 1990s that their devices had been "tested and approved by scientists at the Institute of Heartmath". When I checked a few years later with Rollin McCraty at Heartmath about the veracity of those claims, I discovered that they had been largely great exaggerations, and that Heartmath had been forced to ask the vendor to withdraw all such claims from publication. (Matter of fact, if you are really good at using Google and also archival services such as The Wayback Machine, you can still find traces of such advertising claims on older versions of webpages from that vendor!)

Q: Some dowser friends have claimed that these devices of yours will also protect against most geopathic energies. Is this true? What do you think?

A: Well, dowsers, geomancers and some naturopaths, intuitives, psychics and "energy medicine" health practitioners talk about the existence at certain spots on earth of any of several kinds of harmful earth energies, which they often call geopathic energies, geopathic stress, geostress, geopathic zones, or geopathic stressors; dowsers and intuitives sometimes call some of these pathogenic natural energies by the names swamp energy or swamp energies. Likewise, these sources also talk about other spots that are various kinds of "power spots", i.e., spots that bathe anyone present in beneficial or helpful earth energies. And yes, it is my sense -- and I am speaking here as an intuitive and a healer -- that my primary "space coherence" line of Coherent Space devices will protect against most forms of geopathic energies. I have dowsed many places on earth over the years, primarily when looking for power spots, and have encountered many kinds of naturally-occurring earth energies or patterns, only a small fraction of which appeared to be harmful; the vast majority were healthful and beneficial. In fact, it is my sense that these devices (and I mean here my primary Coherent Space quantum coherence devices) actually seem to change the characteristics or "energies" of any space to closely resemble that of many of the very peaceful, soothing and nourishing earth energy power spots which may be found in mountainous regions.

Indeed, it is no accident that I live in a remote wilderness region in the Catoctin mountains, a part of the ancient Appalachian mountain range. I have lived in the Appalachians or the foothills of the Appalachians for most of my life, and this has often been by intent -- I happen to love the powerful, peaceful, soothing and coherent "energies" often found in such wilderness mountain areas. In fact, there is a well-known local "healing spring" located just a few hundred yards up the road from our mountain home, emerging from the same side of the mountain slope upon which our home is located, and several psychics, intuitives and healers have advised me over the years that they feel that the entire mountainside in this region -- both around the spring and around my home -- is bathed in a very powerful and beneficial "mystical" earth energy.

Q: Do your devices contain orgonite, meaning do they contain crystals or pieces of metal suspended in plastic or resin?

A: Well, near as I can figure out, "orgonite" is a term that began to be used in some circles in the mid-1980s or later to describe a process of mixing crystals or pieces of metal in plastic or resin. All of my devices employ a polyester resin for the purposes of potting and protecting the components, and to help with matching the impedance of the antennas to the impedance of free space. And while the resin does contain exotic doping compounds to give it certain properties, there are no crystals or metal pieces in the resin, and in any case, this is a process that I have been using -- in its earlier forms -- since the mid-1970s (back then I was using epoxy resin) for potting the active components of devices which can remove or ameliorate harmful field effects from EMF.

Q: Some psychics seem to be claiming that your devices (the question applied to the Quantum Coherence devices) seem to have an accidental side-effect of reducing the chances of an earthquake in an area, by lessening some kind of subtle energy tension which had accumulated in geologic structures, like along the boundaries of tectonic plates. Can you tell me more?

A: Yes, I have heard this theory too, largely from psychics and intuitives, and I must admit that when I first heard it, I was extremely skeptical. However, when I later entered a very quiet meditative state, I was advised on an inner intuitive level that this may be true to some degree. The concept or model which I was offered on an inner level to help to understand the possible earthquake-reducing side effect was as follows:

Any phenomenon in the physical world is paralleled by, and actually preceded by, concomitant phenomena on a more subtle plane which some call the energy world. In the case of earthquake activity, much of the tension which builds up between tectonic plates or fragments of tectonic plates is also manifested on a subtle energy plane as a buildup of high levels of accumulated incoherent subtle energies. One side effect of these devices is that they seem to be able to "soothe" or "quiet" these chaotic built-up energies stored on that subtle energy plane, thus reducing the tension on that plane and also, concomitantly, on the physical plane as well, and thus reducing stressors between tectonic plates (or fragments thereof) and thus apparently reducing the chances of a catastrophic release of such energies in an event such as an earthquake.

Strangely, at least to me, these psychics and inner sources seem to indicate that the effective radius of the possible earthquake-reducing effect of the Quantum Coherence devices is far greater than the effective radius for the protective effects against harmful subtle energy components of EMF, and thus, for example, it appears that a Quantum Coherence device with a radius of strongest protective effect of 350 feet for EMF subtle energy components may exhibit a tendency to reduce the subtle energy buildups which can lead to earthquakes within a radius of perhaps six to ten miles. I am still skeptical about these latter assertions, and I have the attitude that if there is anything to them, then the passage of time may tell us more... In the meantime, based largely upon inner guidance, I have created a special prototype version of the Quantum Coherence device which has been customized to maximize any potential ability to reduce such subtle energy buildups in geologic zones.

Q: On your pages, you say that the larger Quantum Coherence devices, especially the battery-powered ones, have a somewhat stronger effect than the smaller ones. I would like to know under what conditions the different strengths of the quantum coherence devices become significant.

A: You have asked a good question about the Quantum Coherence devices. Basically, all the Quantum Coherence devices, including the battery-powered devices, employ the same principles and the same technology in achieving quantum "quieting", and the devices which also sport a DC power switch and batteries (or an external DC source) also include a "range booster" circuit as well. Now, lets look first just at the fundamental (non-DC powered) technology: Due to the variations in size and power/strength (and even particular instantiation for implementation) of the assemblies and components used, it is true to some extent that there is some variance in effectiveness/power across the devices in addition to the difference in range across devices. So, while the personal device may have a range for strongest effect of a few feet, the AUTO device may have a range for strongest effect of about 14 feet, the HO-05 device may have a range for strongest effect of about 50 to 60 feet, the standard HO-09 may have a range for strongest effect of over 350 feet, and the Ultra device may have a range for strongest effect of over 500 feet, the reality is that if you sat just three feet from each of them in turn, you would find that the effect at that distance would vary to a mild degree across the devices, with the individual device showing the weakest effect and the Ultra device showing the most pronounced effect at that distance. However, there is one MAJOR exception to that statement, and that is when the device is placed WITHIN the near-biofield, meaning within 2 to 4 inches of the skin. In such a case, then you would observe that all the devices in the Quantum Coherence family -- ranging from the smallest to the largest -- exhibit pretty much the same protective quantum coherence effect upon the person whose biofield they are enveloped within.

By the way, the Range Booster technology, when turned on, primarily simply and only increases the radius of strongest effect. However, if we want to split hairs, it is true that the Range Booster circuit, when turned on, does actually improve, or "deepen", the quantum quieting effect by about 8%. Is that added level of protection needed in all cases? The answer is "NO"! And, in fact, I chose to forego it on a recent 3-day weekend trip out of state! The story follows:

I always wear an individual device on my keyring, which rides in the pocket of my pants at all times, and I always employ a small Auto device in my car. This past weekend (August 2006), when I planned to travel on a road trip to spend a few days with relatives in another state, I chose to also bring along one of my HO-05 devices in my backpack. This way, whenever I was driving, both the car and I were bathed in the relatively stronger field of the HO-05, and when I was hiking in the woods, I was again enveloped in the field of the HO-05 (still in my backpack), and when I was sleeping at night at my relative's home, I was again enveloped in the field from the HO-05, which was still located in my backpack which was sitting on the bedroom floor, and even when I was sitting in the downstairs kitchen or the sun room or TV room at my relative's house, I was still within 62 feet of the HO-05 device (which is the radius of strongest effect for that particular device), and thus was bathed in the strongest field emitted by the device. Yes, it is true that the field emitted by the Ultra Quantum device, had I chosen to bring it along, would have been perhaps 14% stronger at those distances, even when the Range Booster was turned off, but frankly, I felt that the extra 14% of protection was not at all needed nor necessary in any of the environments in which I chose to be immersed for those three days.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that all the reports of the stronger temporary EMF detox effects have largely been associated with the powered (i.e., Range Booster) versions of my Quantum Coherence devices, and also with the (powered) Negentropic Field Effect Device (the NFED-23), and the only non-DC powered device in my repertoire which seems to be sometimes associated with strong temporary EMF detox effects is the new Violet Light of Peace area treatment device -- this device does not use anmy DC source of power, and rather runs only on naturally-occurrring energies in ambient space.

Q: Who seems to respond most strongly to the effects of the Quantum Coherence devices? Who seems to respond far less strongly?

A: I have repeatedly observed that people (and this includes myself) who would be classified largely as Vata constitutional type by the traditional Ayurvedic medicine system from India tend to report very dramatic positive response to these devices within minutes of exposure, reporting greater levels of energy and calmness, and being able to get far more done in a day. Many other people of other body constitutional types from the Ayurvedic system seem to be more constitutionally robust, and therefore do not exhibit a response which is as strong or noticeable. As one Indian Ayurvedic practitioner said to me once a number of years ago, it is as if many people with Vata constitutional type tend to be more sensitive to environmental influences and more "fragile" in terms of personal energy. And, as he said, it is almost as if they were a car with a larger dashboard, filled with many more instruments which register pain and discomfort than most other Ayurvedic constitutional types.

While I am receiving some glowing reports from users of the Coherent Space Quantum Coherence devices, my own sense and personal experience is that while some folks -- perhaps 25% to 35 of users -- will report strong and beneficial effects -- some people will feel and observe only modest effects and a good percentage of users will report absolutely no noticeable effect at all from using such devices. Much as I have written before, I feel that it is primarily many Vata types -- as well as some other folks who are rather electrosensitive, or who are very sensitive to bodily signals, energies and subtle energies -- who seem to notice a really strong and obvious effect from the Quantum Coherence devices.

And, on the other hand, I must admit that some folks who are not Vata types also seem to respond quickly and noticeably to these devices. Here is one such tale: Sue and I have a friend with whom Sue often travels for hiking trips across the state and in surrounding states. He does not have the typical Vata build (a tall thin build) and rather, has a much more robust body type a type normally considered to be far less vulnerable to strong electrosensitivity. This friend, while a very technically-astute person, had known absolutely nothing about my Quantum Coherence devices or about such technologies in general, and Sue and I had never mentioned this technology to him, as we are not missionaries nor zealots nor preachers! However, our friend started to notice that he experienced greater calmness and focus and energy, along with fewer headaches, whenever he visited our home, and that he seemed to have this same experience whenever Sue was with him on a drive or on a hike, even far away from our home. He finally asked her about this slightly bizarre experience, and she first explained to him about the devices running in our home, and then she showed him the automobile/small area Quantum Coherence device (it was the AUTO-21) which she always carries with her (in a backpack) when driving or hiking and then explained a bit to him about the Quantum Coherence technology. He called me later and told me that the second Sue mentioned the quantum coherence technology and showed him the device, it all started to make sense, and he advised me that he is now rather interested in acquiring one of the devices for his own use, as he works all day in close proximity to eight powerful PCs and monitors.

Q: What kind of results can I expect from using one of these Quantum Coherence devices? What kind or results have you noticed?

A: Well, much as iterated in my reply immediately above, some folks report strong and significant benefits in terms of energy, focus and calmness from using the coherence devices, but even more report only mild effects (such as calmness, a bit more energy, far more beautiful and peaceful dreams, etc.), and a good number report no observable effects at all.

What I have noticed myself since first firing up this latest generation of my Coherent Space devices in my home and laboratory is this: greater calmness and focus, three to three and a half-times as much useful energy on most days, and a very noticeable and significant increase in the accuracy of answers and information which I receive on the inner level, aka the intuitive level. I had also noticed in the past that my inner or intuitive sense was only most accurate in the early morning hours, such as before sunrise and for a few hours after sunrise, and then some kind of fatigue or fuzziness seemed to set in, which grossly reduced the accuracy and depth of information which I could access via inner or intuitive methods. Since I had trained years ago as an electronics and RF (radio frequency) communications engineer, I recognized quickly that this reduction in accuracy was likely due to some kind of increase in inner noise, with concomitant degradation in signal-to-noise ratio for intuitive information (or, as I sometimes phrase it, messages from Holy Spirit and my angels), all of which resulted in fuzzier and less-accurate answers.  At the time, over these many years, I simply accepted loss of informational accuracy as normal, and did not particularly question it, and rather, I was simply grateful for the several hours of relatively accurate intuitive access which I enjoyed each day in the early morning hours.

This all changed rapidly and permanently once I had fired up the latest version of my Quantum Coherence devices in my home and laboratory (please remember that I work from home and my lab is located here as well.) I immediately discovered that I enjoyed many more hours of effective energy per day and got more done each day, but most of all, I noticed that the accuracy and depth of my intuitive (or inner) access to information had greatly increased, and -- and this was very unexpected -- I also started to notice that I enjoyed this depth and accuracy of access to inner guidance for most of the day and often even well into the evening, something which I had never seen before.

It is also worth repeating what I have mentioned elsewhere on this page and on this site: both Sue and I also experienced -- after a few days of exposure to the device -- a temporary period of tissue detoxification or tissue cleansing while our bodies seemed to adjust to living at a higher and more coherent energy level

Q: I hear that some types of devices produce EMF detox symptoms for some users in the early stages. Will your Quantum Coherence devices do so? Also, can you tell me more about EMF detox symptoms?

A: It appears that a few of the types of devices marketed for protection from harmful effects of EMF may, for some users, help to temporarily cause a brief period of what are commonly called EMF detox or EMF detoxification (aka EMF cleansing) effects. Likewise, if the devices are used in an area high in geopathic stress, some seem to help to cause a brief period of what is often called geopathic detox or geopathic stress detox, aka geopathic stress detoxification (aka geopathic stress cleansing and geostress detox). I have seen this phenomena discussed on some of the electrosensitivity list groups, and I have had several callers ask about or report such effects from various devices in the past few months. I must say that while I have never noticed it with most brands and types of such devices which I had tried over the years, both Sue and I did experience some very unexpected detoxification or cleansing symptoms when I first fired up this latest generation of my Quantum Coherence device in our home in May and early June of 2006.

The temporary symptoms were largely brief cycles of fatigue and a bit of flu-like symptoms, including a bit of "brain fog", and each of us saw some old symptoms from old, largely-healed physical problems briefly flare up, to then disappear quickly and completely; these are classic signatures of the tissue detoxification or tissue cleansing processes which are so often described as appearing in the early stages of starting a raw foods diet, or when starting to drink large quantities of wheatgrass juice or syntropic antioxidative microbial (SAM) products, or starting acupuncture treatment, some types of energetic bodywork, or certain types of complex homeopathic treatment (particularly some of the systems recommended and discussed by Dr. Roy Martina, and some of the very effective Apex Energetics products, in my experience.) The general consensus in the healing field across most systems and traditions, and in the naturopathic and osteopathic fields seems to be that such temporary cleansing symptoms tend to appear when some of the toxic load or toxic stressors have been removed from the system, or when higher-quality nutrients are being ingested, allowing the body the energy and focus which it needs to start repairing some old damage and to remove some stored toxic residues. For some people, the temporary detox symptoms may be experienced as fatigue, or a headache, or flu-like symptoms, and for others they may manifest as bad dreams.  One woman, when she was first exposed to the field effect of my Quantum Coherence home/office device (the model HO-09) reported that she had a lot of dreams during her first week of being crowded, or being at crowded parties or being stuck in crowded spaces. These dreams rather quickly disappeared, and in their stead she started to have what she reported as the most peaceful and beautiful dreams in her lifetime.

I must say that the detox symptoms which Sue and I encountered were very unexpected, as both of us have been ingesting a largely raw foods diet for years, and I have been ingesting plenty of syntropic antioxidative microbial (SAM) products for four years, and I had years of acupuncture treatment -- as well as lots of energy healing and spiritual healing -- in my history, and I had kinda assumed that the days of any strong detox symptoms were long past for me. Well, that turned out not to be the case, and instead, both Sue and I started to experience some noticeable detox or cleansing symptoms during the first few weeks that we were exposed to the effects of the device. In fact, when I later fired up my first prototype of the Negentropic Field Effect device, we both went through another temporary wave of detox or cleansing effects, and I personally feel that the detox effects -- at least in our case -- from this device were even stronger than we had during the early days of operating the Quantum Coherence device alone. Of course, it can be a bit hard to attribute effects to one device or the other, as by that time we had both the Quantum Coherence device and the Negentropic Field Effect device running full time in the house and lab.  

Indeed, the most massive detox and cleansing effects I have ever experienced from any device seem to have been triggered by one of my more recent experimental Coherent Space area treatment devices, which I call the Violet Light of Peace. This is a device that is intended to be operated in conjunction with a Quantum Coherence device, and the Violet Light device creates a bioenergy field which seems to be very beneficial and very nurturing to all living organisms (and this is what I am told on an intuitive level as well.) However, I must admit that the temporary cleansing effects from the device appear to be much stronger than we had experienced with the Quantum Coherence device or with the Negentropic Field Effect device. The Violet Light of Peacedevice, by the way, does not use batteries, and instead runs on naturally-occurring energies, and it exhibits its strongest field (or area treatment) effect for a radius of about 52 feet, and a  moderate effect out to a radius of just over 80 feet. I sometimes deliberately move the device to an outdoor storage area located over 85 feet from the house just to get a brief respite from the cleansing crises! On the other hand, several folks who have visited our home and spent a few hours here while all three devices (i.e., the Quantum Coherence device, the Negentropic Field Effect device, and the Violet Light device) were running simultaneously have later reported to me that they experienced an incredible sense of well-being while at our house, and that they were (uncharacteristically) filled with a calm clear energy and sense of well-being after leaving our house which lasted for about 12 to 24 hours afterward.

Incidentally, and as I have noted above, I must note that all the reports of the stronger temporary EMF detox effects from my devices have largely been associated with the powered (i.e., Range Booster) versions of my Quantum Coherence devices, and also with the (powered) Negentropic Field Effect Device (the NFED-23), and the only non-DC powered device in my repertoire which seems to be sometimes associated with strong temporary EMF detox effects is the new Violet Light of Peace area treatment device -- this device does not use any DC source of power, and rather runs only on naturally-occurrring energies in ambient space. I too have primarly experienced detox effects only with these devices, and I must say that the Violet Light of Peace device seems to have been particularly powerful in this realm.

Q: What is "intent technology"? I keep hearing that many of the so-called EMF protective devices on the market use "intent" or "intent technology." And, do your devices use this technology?

A: You have asked a fascinating and good question, and it is true that many vendors of devices in this field use that technology, whether they admit it or not. Here then is some insight into the matter:

"Intent technology" means that a person has attempted to imprint an intent upon water or upon some piece of matter, such as the physical components of a device, to impart to it a desired effect on the subtle energy level. In the case of EMF protective devices, this would mean that the person building the device has used directed intent to somehow imprint the intent upon the device that it will protect the wearer against harmful effects of EMF fields. In the older days, and even today in some circles, this type of intent technology has often been referenced as "radionics" or "psychotronics", or "intentional homeopathy". And, in the case of quantum quieting devices, it is rather a well-known fact that a number of brands of devices out there really do not contain physical treatment components or circuits at all, but rather, their effects (if any) are due to imprinting intent upon the material of the device, often via what one vendor once described to me as "imprinting with a 31st generation radionic device".

I first discovered this fact rather accidentally and incidentally a number of years ago, although I had long been aware of radionic and psychotronic technologies (as well as of their many limitations....!) In the early and mid-1990s, I became interested in purchasing some EMF-protective devices from a company which had recently emerged; they were making some wild claims about their devices, and they were selling a pendant, a clock and a power strip which they claimed would counter all of the harmful effects of EMF. They claimed that all three devices contained special circuitry and components and that they -- particularly the clock and power strip -- created a field that would extend for perhaps 35 to 50 feet in all directions to nullify harmful effects of EMF. Upon reading their blurbs (largely sent to me in those days by postal mail), I became somewhat concerned that their technology might simply be radionic imprinting upon ordinary physical devices (i.e., such as clocks or power strips), and if that were true, I was NOT desirous of purchasing their technology (for my own private reasons.) So, I picked up the phone and called the company (then in Southern California), and quickly got thru the receptionist and the salesperson and was able to speak with a man who identified himself as a principal of the company and a prime designer of the device. He told me that he had been designing devices in this field since the early 1980s. He strongly and emphatically reassured me that the devices did NOT consist of radionic imprinting, and rather, consisted of actual physical embodiments of strange electronic and quantum physics circuits, with real components. Based upon his glib reassurances, I purchased from his company that same week a pendant, a clock and a power strip (I still own the latter two devices, and they are in my home office as I write this letter; the pendant was lost and replaced with a new pendant purchased in year 2000 from them.)

Well, as soon as the devices arrived, I started using them. I felt no effect at the time, other than a kinda jitteriness from the pendant. So, I got a bit curious and dragged them into my lab and disassembled them. To my utter surprise, I discovered that there were no special components or circuits at all, and rather, the clock was just a standard Radio Shack digital clock, and the power strip was just a stock power strip from a hardware store shelf. Amazed and incensed that I had been lied to, but still hoping that I had made a mistake and overlooked the "circuitry", I called the company back and got to speak to two men (I think their names were Peter and Bill...) in sequence, each of whom advised me that they were the principals of the company and the designers of the devices. They reassured me that the devices did indeed contain physical circuits and that I had not looked hard enough. And so, I went back to my lab and disassembled each device fully, to find still no trace of any circuitry.

So, about a month later, after hearing reports similar to mine from friends and other researchers in the subtle energy field, and after having read an expose of the device technology in a stereo/audio magazine, I called the company again and spoke to the same two men again. The first continued to insist that the devices did contain special electronic circuits, but that I had missed them, although his protestations by then were sounding mighty hollow and venal; he sounded very uncomfortable talking to me, kinda like he had grown tired of lying.. The second man to whom I spoke quickly relented, and apologized for having lied to me in my  two previous calls. He admitted that there was no special circuitry nor any special components in any of the devices, and instead, he informed me, the devices where simply ordinary clocks and power strips which had been exposed for a period of time to a field from a proprietary "18th generation advanced radionic device, which imprints a complex program of intent". He further claimed that he had lied to me in the past for two reasons: to get me to purchase the devices, and to protect their "proprietary" secrets. In a follow-up call in the late 1990s, the same man (well, apparently the same man; who knows anything for sure when you are dealing with such levels of duplicity!) told me that they had evolved to using what he now referenced as "31st generation advanced radionic technology" to imprint complex intent programs upon the physical matter of the devices while creating their devices.

Q: A few of the EMF-protective devices on the market, notably the Clarus Q-Link pendant, have been found by some clairvoyants to pretty much reliably strengthen or increase the aura or biofield around a person. Will your quantum coherence-type devices do this as well?

A: My strongest sense, and this is largely based upon my own inner guidance and intuition, is that this should not be very noticeable with my quantum coherence devices, unless the person whose aura/biofield is being monitored happens to be someone who is very sensitive to the effects of chaotic byproducts of EMF energies. And, as I have noted in another response on this page, it appears that many folks -- including myself -- who would be classified primarily as a Vata constitutional type in the traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine system seem to be those who are most immediately sensitive to the effects of the quantum coherence devices. In my current understanding -- and much of this is intuitive -- there are several reasons why this may be so:

First, the producers of the Clarus Q-Link pendants openly state on their websites and in other informational media that their pendants were designed to amplify the aura or biofield of the person wearing the pendant, and thus they were programmed or imprinted with that intention during the manufacturing/creation process, and the producers of the Q-Link device have stated that the Q-Link largely protects against harmful effects of EMF simply by strengthening the wearer's biofield or aura. This mode of action is very different from how my Quantum Coherence devices work, as follows:
  • first, while the Clarus Q-Link pendant and other Clarus devices work largely on imprinted "intent", my Quantum Coherence devices do not employ imprinting or programming with intent at all. Rather, they contain real circuitry and real antennas and real quantum space coherence materials.

  • next, the only purpose of my Quantum Coherence devices is to attract coherence and allow incoherence to dissipate, or, to put it another way, to attract incoherent and chaotic information in quantum space and then to facilitate converting it largely to coherent information. My devices do not focus on the aura or biofield at all, and do not attempt to modify or change the aura or biofield. 
Of course, since the body and the energy body -- and also the biofield or aura -- of anyone within the sphere of influence of one of my Quantum Coherence devices happens to be occupying both conventional space and what I will call quantum space, then it is true that since my technology will tend to reduce incoherence and concomitantly increase coherence anywhere in that quantum space, then this quantum quieting effect may also be noted within the energy body of a person, and consequently, within their biofield or aura. However, I suspect that the amount or degree of change in the aura or biofield -- as viewable by a clairvoyant -- due to the effects of my Quantum Coherence devices may not be as noticeable nor as immediate as might be noted with the Clarus devices, unless and if the person whose biofield/aura were being examined by the clairvoyant happened to be rather sensitive to the chaotic effects of EMF, much as is true for some of the Vata types discussed above.

In fact, my Quantum Coherence devices seem to be powerful enough to allow some persons within range of the device to undergo a temporary "tissue cleansing" or "tissue detoxification" effect, and thus some persons, when they are first exposed to these Quantum Coherence devices, may actually feel some "detox" symptoms for anywhere from the first few days to as many as 15 to 18 days; my experience is that those symptoms will often involve fatigue or flu-like symptoms or tiredness. This is very much a temporary and interim effect as the body apparently uses its newfound levels of available energy to shift to a more healthful state.

Q: The vendors of a few EMF-protective devices on the market have claimed at times that their device will actually lessen electric and magnetic and electromagnetic (i.e., radio waves) fields -- the same EMF fields that are measured by any good tri-field monitoring meter -- near the device or user. They have claimed that turning their device on would reduce the readings on a meter, such as a tri-field meter, which measures EMF and electrical and magnetic fields. But, I think those companies have stopped making those claims, probably because those claims did not pan out for customers and people complained. So, will your quantum coherence-type devices lower the readings on a tri-field monitoring meter? Will they reduce the strength of electric and magnetic and EM fields?

A: My answer is a bit strong, and it is: Good God, no! To my best knowledge -- and I am speaking here as a scientist and as an intuitive, and I have actually run some tests using field strength meters and spectrum analyzers in my laboratory to be sure -- my Quantum Coherence devices should NEVER reduce the field strength readings for a particular space on any of the three scales (i.e., electric field, magnetic field and EM fields such as radio waves and microwaves) commonly found on a tri-field meter, nor on the summary scale available on some tri-field meters, which sums the scores from all three component scales. And, to my best knowledge, none of the area treatment or personal protection quantum coherence or quantum quieting type devices marketed to ameliorate the harmful effects of EMF on the body should do so either. In fact, since my Quantum Coherence devices may make such ambient EMF signals "cleaner" (by stripping chaotic subtle energy information from them) and may also improve the functioning of the circuitry in some tri-field meters (by reducing certain kinds of noise and my improving signal path characteristics in circuitry) or spectrum analyzers, it is conceivable that the readings on some models of tri-field meters and spectrum analyzers might possibly rise a wee bit when one of my Quantum Coherence devices is activated nearby, in much the same fashion that some GPS receivers in poor-reception locales seem to lock in on satellites more quickly and some cell phones in weak-signal areas suddenly seem to function slightly better when within the field of influence of a Quantum Coherence device.

Let me also say that the ONLY techologies in any related field of EMF protection which may actually reduce some readings on EMF monitoring meters placed nearby are not quantum coherence or quantum quieting type devices, but rather would be devices which place filters or absorptive circuits across the AC powerline to remove what is commonly known as high frequency noise (largely due to transients, spikes and harmonics, and noisy devices such as SCRs) from the powerline; some of the brands of these devices include the Stetzerizer Filters, aka the Graham-Stetzer Microsurge Filters (which seem to be largely dry-film capacitors with good high-frequency response placed across the AC power line), the Noise Harvester and Noise Hound devices. And, of course, this category also includes any brute force EMF AC line filters sold for use with highly-sensitive electronic equipment. All of these devices should remore some high frequency compenents and spikes from the AC poweline itself, and perhaps will even concomitantly reduce certain EMF field readings taken near the power lines in and near buildings.

Q: Some psychics and intuitives, and also some UFO buffs, have stated that running one of your Quantum Coherence devices may reduce the chances of UFO activity or other anomalous activity (ed. note: i.e. anomalous animal sightings, etc.) in an area. Is this true? I am a UFO researcher and I cannot afford to miss out on a nearby UFO appearance or other anomalous event, such as a sighting of an anomalous animal!

Yes, speaking here as both a scientist and an intuitive, I do believe that this may be true to some limited extent for some (and please note the use of the conditional phrase some!) types of UFO sightings and for some types other related anomalous activities. And, to a limited extent, the use of such a device may actually increase the chances or frequency of occurrence of some (and again, please note the use of the conditional phrase some!) other types of UFO sightings. Why do I say this? Well, before I can explain that to you, first I need to explain to you my understanding of UFO phenomena and related anomalous sightings (such as those of anomalous animals, or "materializations of reptoid reptilian aliens"), and then my statements will make more sense to you. Here goes:

It is my understanding -- and again, I am speaking here as both a scientist and an intuitive -- that such phenomena (i.e., UFO phenomena and related phenomena; these are sometimes referenced in the literature as anomalous luminous phenomena, or ALP, although I prefer to call them simply anomalous spatial events (ASE) because I feel that term is a bit more inclusive) are actually not true physical phenomena, but rather are "bleed-thru" from etheric or astral levels or planes of existence. There is quite a bit of evidence that these ALP or ASE bleed-thru phenomena seem to tend to occur and manifest only in places (i.e., spaces) where there are buildups of certain types of energies or fields, such as near a major power transmission line or on or near a tectonic plate boundary where deep seismic tensions of great magnitude have built up and where people (i.e. observers) whose perceptions are somewhat susceptible to the effects of such energies are nearby. By the way, I am hardly alone in voicing this model; it is almost identical to the model about space-time transients and anomalous events posited in the 1970s and more recently by Professor Dr. Michael Persinger at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada in many article and books, including his book entitled Space-Time Transients and Unusual Events (by Michael A. Persinger and GF Lafreniere, Chicago, Nelson-Hall, 1977). I am also aware that Dr. Jacques Valee, the famed astronomer-turned UFO-logist whose heyday was in the 1970s, also occasionally espoused an at-times similar theory, although his was somewhat more esoteric and unbelievable (at least to me!) Anyway, some (but not necessarily all) of these purported build-ups of stored energies appear to have a strong chaotic or incoherent element to them, and could even be quantified as essentially incoherent subtle energy phenomena. It is this category of stored tensions -- those which are by nature chaotic and incoherent -- which are likely to be reduced greatly in magnitude by my Quantum Coherence devices, and thus, with much of the energy dissipated, there is not enough tension or field strength remaining to result in a manifestation of such ALP or ASE even if "sensitive" persons are nearby, thus effectively reducing the frequency of occurrence of ALPs in the area of effect covered by the Coherent Space device. However, I do not have any evidence that all such buildups of abnormal or anomalous energies are necessarily chaotic and incoherent, and in fact, there is some good evidence that some of these buildups of energies may exhibit great coherence (no, I have neither the time or energy nor space to develop such observations further here -- that could take an entire book...!), and thus, such coherent accumulations of subtle energies or electric fields would not likely be reduced by the operation of my Quantum Coherence devices. In other words, it would not be reasonable to expeI realize that at least some of the folks who may be most interested in topics such as EMF protection and quantum quieting devices are folks who may be classified as electrosensitive. In the past month or two, I have stumbled across a list group at Yahoo Groups which is devoted to electrosensitivity, and as a list group owner myself, I must say that I am impressed by the general quality of most of the posts to the group, and even more impressed by the quality of the past posts in their archives. 

Anyway, you probably already know about my two recent list groups which are devoted to quantum coherence or coherent space devices (the QuantumQuiet list group and the QuantumCoherence list group), and of course you already know about my Coherence list group, but if you are also interested in a good list group which disscusses issues regarding electronsitivity, and also discusses the various devices and remedies which people have tried, then I can strongly recommend the Esens: Electricial Sensitivity (ES) list group at Yahoo Groups. You may visit their home page at:
or may join by sending an email to:
ct that the operation of a Quantum Coherence device would reduce the frequency nor magnitude of ALPs or ASEs due to such coherent accumulations of stored energies. 

By the way, I have always been fascinated by the fact that the evidence indicates that the space near a great majority of ALPs or ASEs, when they do occur, is marked by the appearance of strong and unexpected and anomalous magnetic fields, and at times, also by the appearance of strong and anomalous electrical fields as well. In fact, much as Persinger, Valee and others have speculated, it seems that it is very much as if the presence of such anomalous magnetic fields heralds the existence of a "window" in time and space during which ALPs or ASEs may occur. In fact, I have for years referenced these windows as Anomalous Event Windows (ASW), or a bit more accurately, Anomalous Spatial Event Windows (ASEW). And, as a side note, I am currently considering offering for sale rather inexpensive detectors for ASEWs, one which would look for magnetic field anomalies in all three axes, and which would briefly emit an audible alarm signal and a visual alarm signal if and when this signature of such a window were detected; it might even have outputs for a digital event recorder/logger, a logging oscilloscope or strip chart recorder. I would likely call such a device an Anomalous Event Window Detector, and it would draw so little power that it could run non-stop for a year or two on one nine-volt battery (I am most leaning toward purchasing an existing related monitoring device and modifying it to adapt it to my needs and specifications.)

Q: Some of the other brands and models of subtle energy area treatment devices which claim similar EMF-protective effects (ed. note: i.e., effects such as protecting against harmful subtle energy effects of EMF) also claim that their devices will purify drinking water and remove all contaminants from tap water such as municipal tap water or contaminated water sources which contain heavy metals, fluoride, or other toxins. Will any of your devices do this as well?

A: Briefly, my answer here is a resounding NO!!!!, and I would be very wary of any area treatment or field effect subtle energy "cleansing" or coherence devices which are claimed to work at a distance and for which this claim is made. And yes, the websites for several vendors, particularly some of the sites offering the Springlife Polarizers and the Purple Energy devices, do make such claims. Indeed, I have been asked this same question about tap water treatment or food treatment several times recently, and so this appears to be a popular misconception, and all I can say to you is this, and I say it emphatically:

I strongly feel, speaking here as a trained engineer, as a degreed scientist and as an intuitive and healer, and also as a researcher who has worked in this field of subtle energy protective devices since 1974, that -- at least by my lights -- there is NO evidence that any of these area treatment or field effect subtle energy treatment devices -- if installed in your home or your kitchen -- will somehow magically act as some kind of "water filter" or "food conditioner" to remove contaminants such as heavy metals, fluoride or other toxins from shower water or tap water as the water travels through the pipes in your home or workplace, or from your food as the food sits on the counter. If a vendor claims else wise, ask them to show you the studies which prove this claim.

Further, I am also aware that some of these vendors seem to be specifically claiming that their area treatment devices will not physically remove the contaminants from your tap water and shower water, but that the fields produced by their devices will somehow "vibrationally transform" the atoms and molecules of contaminants (i.e., toxins) into a totally harmless state. Again speaking here as a trained scientist and engineer, and also as a healer and intuitive, I am extremely wary of these claims. Yes, I do believe that it is possible to use certain subtle energies to render certain toxic compounds far less toxic, but I personally see no evidence that these devices on the marketplace are doing so. And, let me state very clearly: I feel that my Coherent Space devices do not have any such effects.

While we are on this topic of claims of clearing contaminants from tap water, I feel that it is perhaps worthwhile to briefly visit a vaguely related topic, at least one related to my Coherent Space devices and polluted bodies of water (or waterways): there are several subtle energy devices -- including my Negentropic Field Effect line -- which appear to create an area treatment field effect which is antioxidative and negentropic, whereby the following effects are often noted within the radius of effect (usually at least a couple of hundred feet):
  • many odors (i.e., barn waste odors or odors from a septic sludge pit or a contaminated pond) seem to be reduced

  • a number of oxidative and putrefactive decay processes seem to start to reverse over a period ranging from several days to several weeks

  • many undesirable oxidative microbial processes such as putrefaction and decay seem to be reduced and instead are replaced by overgrowth and proliferation of beneficial microbes such as syntropic and "antioxidative" microbes - which leads to reduction in odor, reduction in levels of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide gas, clearing of turbidity, reduction in BOD and COD, and increase in DO, along with gradual reduction in levels of pollution via microbial digestion and reductive (as in oxidation-reduction, aka redox) microbial processes.

  • reduction in levels of pathogenic microbes in waste and wastewater.
I simply wish to state clearly here that the phenomena described immediately above (in the bulleted items) is a slow and gradual process whereby many runaway oxidative processes are reduced and instead some more healthful syntropic and antioxidative processes seem to be encouraged, sometimes leading to a gradual improvement in the conditions of the body of water (or sludge pit or waste pit). This is radically different from the earlier-discussed claims made by some vendors that their area treatment field effect devices will -- literally instantly -- act upon tap water to somehow remove or neutralize all contaminants. Again, I would be extremely wary of these claims regarding effects upon tap water in the home or workplace by such remote field effect area treatment devices. 

Q: I have heard claims from vendors of some similar devices in the past that their devices will prevent pinging in automobile engines, but after a while, they stopped making the claims. I guess too many people complained that it didn't work. Now I am hearing a few reports that your quantum coherence devices really do seem to reduce pinging in automobile engines greatly. Is that true?

A. Well, I am very wary of making any absolute statements here, barring some expensive dynamometer testing across several engines at a good automotive engine testing lab, but briefly, yes, it does appear that my Quantum Coherence devices which are the size of the Auto/Small Area model and larger, do have that effect, and it seems to be quite noticeable and very consistent. I had been advised on an inner level that this would likely occur, but I was still rather amazed when I noticed this effect in real life with my 2000 Toyota Corolla. My inner sense is that this is due to vastly increased coherence in the ignition and burn pattern of the air/gasoline mixture in the upper cylinders, resulting in more complete combustion of the fuel and in slightly lowered upper cylinder temperatures, thus leaving no hotspots on the plug or upper cylinder to re-ignite remaining fuel vapors at the wrong time and thus causing pinging. Now, some folks have speculated that the effect might instead be due to a "calming" effect of the quantum quieting field upon the computer which controls many engine functions (this is what is often called the "black box") rendering it less sensitive to interference and scrambling from engine compartment electrical noise, and thus enabling it to function more accurately. However, my strong inner sense is that this is not the correct explanation, and rather, that the effect lies in the quantum quieting effect upon the igniting and burning gas plasma in the upper cylinders.

Now, there are also reports of increased gas mileage... see the question below!

Q: I have heard claims from vendors of some similar devices in the past that their quantum coherence devices will increase gas mileage in automobile engines, but after a while, they stopped making the claims. I guess too many people complained that it didn't work. Now I am hearing that your quantum coherence devices really do seem to increase gas mileage in automobile engines greatly. Is that true?

A. Well, I am very wary of making any absolute statements here, barring some expensive dynamometer testing across several engines at a good automotive engine testing lab, but briefly, yes, it does appear that my Quantum Coherence devices which are the size of the Auto/Small Area model and larger, do have that effect, and it seems to be significant and very consistent. My 2000 Toyota Corolla now exhibits about 10 to 14% better gas mileage since I installed one of the Auto devices in the passenger compartment. I am not sure if this effect would show up in other makes and models of cars and engines, although my inner guidance says "yes".

My inner sense is that this effect is largely is due to vastly increased coherence in the ignition and burn pattern of the air/gasoline mixture in the upper cylinders, resulting in more complete combustion of the fuel/air mixture and in slightly lowered cylinder temperatures. I cannot say anything more definitive until and unless I have the funds to commission some dynamometer tests at a good automotive testing laboratory.

Q: Some vendors and some alternative healthcare practitioners and psychics seem to claim that some of the better subtle energy protective devices in this field will also somehow -- in some mysterious way -- protect a person against harmful or malevolent possessing entities or attached entities or spirits. What do you think?

A: First, speaking as a spiritual healer and an intuitive, allow me to say that I personally feel that the frequency and seriousness of phenomena such as possessing spirits or entities and attached spirits and entities is grossly over-rated and over-estimated by many alternative healers, psychics and intuitives. I personally feel that such phenomena are rather rare, and that few such incidents are particularly harmful or dangerous to the persons involved, even when and if they do occur at times. Having said that, I do believe, as a healer and an intuitive, that there is at least some grain of truth to the claims which you have repeated, and for a simple reason: the technologies such as my Coherent Space Quantum Coherence devices seem to vastly reduce levels of incoherent and chaotic subtle energies in the surrounding area, and to vastly increase levels of subtle energy coherence in the same space. It is also rather obvious on an intuitive and clairvoyant level that this "subtle energy coherence effect" affects not only free space but also the space occupied by humans, and can thus help to facilitate the emergence of greater levels of coherence of subtle energies within the human body (if that human is within range of the device.) Looking solely at the body on the levels of subtle energies, if the bodily subtle energies suddenly become far more coherent, with a concomitant reduction in incoherence and chaos, it is only reasonable to assume that this would make it harder for any harmful or undesirable outside subtle energies -- including any harmful "entities" or "spirits" to enter the energy field of the body, as it has greater coherence and therefore greater integrity and balance. So, yes, there may be some truth to this assertion, but I still feel that the frequency of, and the dangers of, occurrences such as possessing entities or spirits or attaching entities or spirits is grossly over-rated, over-stated and over-dramatized by many persons in the alternative health field and in the psychic and intuitive realms, and I feel that some New Age practitioners have literally turned the whole matter into a bit of a circus.

Followup Feb 2008, Response to "Dire Warnings"
I continue to receive calls and notes from members of my list groups and colleagues warning me that they feel that I continue to treat these possibilities (i.e., of entities, beings and thought forms from other dimensions) too lightly and cavalierly, and warning me in dire terms that these are "deadly serious" matters and that such entities / beings / things are often quite evil and terrifying and dangerous. Sorry, but this is simply not my experience, despite the fact that I have regularly been consciously encountering such things since the mid-1980s, first as an energy healer in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and then, from 2000 onward, as a spiritual healer, and also in my work as a consultant for researchers and colleagues who have built subtle energy devices which have acted as accidental portals for such things. So, why is it then that some people seem to report that their encounters with such things were/are life-threatening and terrifying, or that their encounters with such things have wreaked permanent damage in their lives, and yet I and many of my colleagues and friends tend to see these things as minor annoyances at best?

Well, I have already addressed this issue to some extent but since I continue to receive "dire warnings" from fear-ridden people, I will make one more attempt to shed some more light on this topic. Here goes:

It is my direct experience that to an incredibly large extent, we -- and please note here that this "we" includes all of the tens of thousands of largely-unconscious mental, emotional, karmic and cellular memory programs and recordings, some of which are tens of thousands of years old, which we carry in our local self -- create our own reality. Period. We tend to create in our world what believe we will encounter; we tend to create our world exactly according to our expectations. Or, as Abraham (of Abraham-Hicks) would say, we create that upon which we dwell, we create that which we constantly imagine and that which we constantly fear. If you dwell upon fear, danger, drama and "evil", then you will undoubtedly create a world where you see such things all around you. If you dwell in love, coherence, peace, grace and ease, then your world will be filled with those qualities.

I was reminded recently that the famed psychotherapist / mythologist Carl Jung put it a different way, using different words. I was speaking last nite on the phone with my friend who is a PhD Jungian psychologist in California, and we were discussing the absurdly wide range of responses of people on my list groups to the topic of entities/beings and "energies" which can occasionally enter our world from other dimensions, including via pathways such as portals created by various subtle energy devices or aetheric energy devices. She, like me, tends to see such things as relatively benign, and as minor annoyances at best, and we were discussing the people in this field whom I call the "drama queens"; the people who tend to like to paint any picture containing entities or thought forms in broad strokes of fear, drama, danger and pathos. I was reminded, while we were discussing the topic of "you create whatever you expect", that Carl Jung phrased it much as follows: "Whatever face you show to the world, that is the face that the world tends to show you. If you regularly carry violence, anger and fear in your heart, then that is the face that the world will show to you. If you carry love and acceptance in your heart, then that is the face with which the world will greet you every day."

Q: Do your devices contain any ormus elements?

A: Well, first, as you may already be aware, I feel that there is a lot of hype -- meaning inflated claims and nonsensical statements -- out there on the web and in the New Age world and alternative health world about ormus elements, which are also known as orme, ormes, M-state elements, monatomic elements. However, having said that, I do believe that some elements do exist in what we can call a monatomic or orme form, and that the largest source of these forms lies simply in nature, and particularly in biogenic processes, meaning that I believe that many forms of ormes are produced by beneficial microbes under the right conditions. And now to move on to answer your question: Yes, each of the devices contains a small amount of ormus material, largely as a part of a special exotic material used for coherence effects, and particularly as a component of an exotic ingredient employed in formulating the polyester potting resin for the antenna assembly; this exotic and expensive powdered material is the product of a multi-stage fermentation and biogenic digestion process which spans several years and which also involves some alchemical-like stages in its preparation. In fact, an exotic nutritional supplement composed of the same exotic alchemical compound – and which is not advertised anywhere and which is made available only to a select few – sells for $23 per capsule! I can safely state that I have never encountered a more powerful nutritional supplement anywhere in the world; I often ingest only one capsule per month at most! Much as I have stated above, I do not see any of the ormus materials which are present in the devices as key to the properties of the devices, and rather I view them as incidental and ancillary -- they are helpful and they are useful, but they are not essential and they are not the heart of the devices.

Q: Driving on major roads leaves me fatigued, a bit anxious, and foggy (in the brain), and I sometimes wonder if my problem is due to electrosmog sensitivity. And so I wonder: will a device such as your Quantum Coherence device help to prevent this fatigue while I am driving?

A: Well, I have much the same sensitivity to long-distance driving here, although it is all long-distance driving which affects me, whether it be on busy highways or back roads. And, I must say up front that neither my devices nor any other "quantum quieting" devices on the market which I have tried over the years have helped me at all in this regard! Now, of course, I am what the Ayurvedic system would classify as a Vata type -- which puts me in the most "sensitive" category of body constitutional types, but I have had the experience since I first started driving at age 16 that I tend to get very very fatigued and sore from long-distance driving on any trips of over about 1.5 hours in length. I am still not sure what causes that, and none of the remedial measures I have ever tried have helped much at all. Here is a brief chronology of my experience in using quantum quieting area treatment devices with this challenge:

In the 1970s and early 1980s, I tried using the Earth Resonance Generator (ERG) which was produced by Patrick Flanagan, and which was one of the first devices in this field on the market; I tried it particularly because of reports from air crews that carrying the device totally eliminated jet lag on long-distance travel. However, it did not help me with my particular driving-fatigue problem, which kinda makes sense, because there is no evidence that my fatigue from driving is at all due to harmful effects of EMF fields or geopathic fields. Much the same with the Clarus Q-Link devices; none of them has ever helped me with that long-distance driving problem, either, not even the Q-Link pendant, which is programmed specifically to "boost" or strengthen the biofield/aura. And, when I first developed this latest generation of my own Quantum Coherence devices, well. . . I kinda hoped -- despite the fact that I was aware that my symptoms while driving likely have nothing to do with EMF fields -- that my quantum coherence devices might help me with this particular challenge, and I found that they did not seem to help at all, even when I drove with one of my big HO-09 devices sitting a few feet from me. In fact, on a recent weekend road trip to NJ (over 4 hours each way) I also brought along one of my Negentropic devices as well as a HO-09 device, each device sitting a few feet from me on the seat, and it too appeared not to help even one whit. Now, I had already been warned on an inner intuitive level that this (lack of effect) would probably be the case, but I was still a bit disappointed!

Q: I have been diagnosed as being ES and EHS.  I have noticed that you seem to avoid marketing your devices to ES sufferers and EHS suffers, and particularly to those who claim to be victims of EH. However, I think this could be a big marketplace for you. Why do you avoid trying to sell your devices to our community?

Well, you have asked a timely question, because a number of people who have been diagnosed as ES (electro-sensitive) or EHS (electro-hypersensitive) or EH (people who claim that they are suffering from "EMF harassment", i.e., bombardment with EMF radiation by malevolent people or agencies) have contacted me since mid-2006 and asked me with a bit of amazement why I do not seem to ever make any effort to market my devices to the ES/EHS/EH communities. The answer to that question is a bit subtle, and thus, I usually respond as follows:

I reply that, as a trained scientist and engineer, and also an intuitive, I have been playing with testing and creating such devices in my lab since the mid-1970's, but that I have never played with them because I considered myself particularly ES, but rather simply because my inner guidance from Holy Spirit and my angels asked me to do so at times. And, at the time Holy Spirit and my angels nudged me to go back into my lab and develop this latest generation of devices in April, May and early June of 2006, I already considered myself quite healthy and certainly would never have considered myself to be ES. Rather, I did the R&D work as asked simply because Holy Spirit had asked me to (and all the activities in my life, including what I eat and what prices I charge for devices are based on guidance from Holy Spirit), and also because I have always assumed (since he early 1970s) that ALL humans and animals likely suffer some mild adverse health/energy effects -- both short-term and chronic -- from exposure to electrosmog, even though the vast majority of us (myself included) would never experience adverse effects so strong that would be labeled as ES. In fact, even though I experienced some rather unexpected strong benefits from using my latest generation of devices, I would never label myself as an ES sufferer.

And, I have felt quite healthy for quite a few years now, and as a healer myself, my focus tends to be almost exclusively upon allowing myself (and others with whom I work) upon reaching ever-higher levels of health and vitality and well-being, rather than any kind of focus on disease. In other words, in my own life and in my work with clients, I focus only on those qualities of which I would like to see more in my life; qualities such as greater health, vitality, well-being and greater capacity for love, rather than focusing upon illness or disease or suffering. And, this focus of mine -- a focus upon greater levels of health, well-being, vitality and lovingness rather than upon disease or illness -- tends to guide not only my spiritual healing work, but it also carries over strongly into the various areas in which I offer consulting as well, areas such as raw food diets, beneficial antioxidative anti-entropic microbes, nutritional antioxidants and health coaching.

So, by the time -- in June of this year -- that I was asked by Holy Spirit to start marketing some of my devices as PoP prototypes, I was already feeling very healthy myself, and while I appreciated the fact that my devices allowed me to have even higher levels of energy and well-being than I had enjoyed prior to using them, I did not, and still do not, consider myself to be someone who is or was an ES sufferer. And thus, because of this fact and because of my very strong inner bias (i.e., toward health and vitality and not toward disease) as disclosed in the above paragraph, I naturally started to share information about my devices with my friends, acquaintances and colleagues, and, of course, with the many people who belong to one or more of my various list groups devoted to raw foods diets, sungazing, beneficial antioxidative microbes and uber-vitality. Now, these people whom I have mentioned above -- my friends, colleagues, acquaintances and most members of my list groups -- are largely folks like myself, that is, their focus is simply on allowing themselves to reach ever-greater levels of health, well-being, vitality and lovingness (rather than any focus on disease or suffering). And so, all of my early customers for my prototype devices were folks from this group, a community of people who tend to focus upon vitality and well-being and who do not usually concern themselves with disease or suffering. 

Now, please add to the information I have shared above one more fact -- the fact that I hate making health claims for anything, whether it be nutritional products, exercises, techniques, or devices. For me, that feels like skating too close to the whole Western disease paradigm, which is not my world. And rather, I prefer to continue to focus simply on ways of allowing greater levels of vitality and well-being.

I am writing this in mid-September 2006, and I continue to offer my prototype devices for sale to interested experimenters. And, as has been true since June, when I first started offering the devices, I tend to offer the devices primarily to persons who are not immersed in one or more disease models or disease/disorder descriptors, but rather to people who are focused largely upon health, well-being, happiness, and vitality, and who have been guided on an inner level to experiment with these devices as one more way to possibly allow greater levels of these qualities!

So, it is entirely true that I have never tried to market my devices to the ES community, and, as a matter of fact, I would be rather wary of selling any of my prototype devices to anyone from the self-identified ES community, since there seems be a good chance that their focus might be upon disease (again, that is not my world), and worse, they might have excessive and incorrect expectations that my devices might somehow heal them, and this is not true -- my devices are not medical devices and I make no health claims for them. Worse, there are already many organizations trying to market all kinds of various supposed "remedies" to the ES community, and I have no desire to be trying to market anything to anyone, nor to be making any kind of health claims at all for my devices... Thus, the bottom line is that I prefer to offer my prototype devices only to those who are focused on health and vitality and who have been guided on an inner level to play with my devices. This is a FAR DIFFERENT focus from trying to claim that my devices will help ES, EHS and EH sufferers; the latter is not my world, nor my intent, at all.

Lastly, there is one more reason why I am glad that I never try to market the prototypes to the ES or EHS or EH communities. Of course, the fun (but slightly bizarre to some) reality is that I do not market the prototype devices at all in any sector, nor to any sector, but rather I simply let their existence be known in certain circles and then I trust that only those people who were guided to do so by their inner guidance (i.e., Supreme Heart or Holy Spirit) will ever purchase the prototype devices for their own experiments. And, even then, as some visitors to this site can surely testify (smile!), I regularly turn away prospective purchasers of these devices if I feel that the devices may not help them reach greater levels of vitality or if I feel that the expectations or agendas of the prospective purchaser are unreasonable, unrealistic, or inappropriate.

What is that final reason? Well, speaking for a moment as an intuitive and spiritual healer, it is my personal observation that for the vast majority of folks who are diagnosed as strongly ES or EHS (or EH, for that matter), such large-scale ES/EHS syndromes seem to be largely a symptom of imbalances or toxicities elsewhere in the complex of body/mind/spirit, and thus that makes it all the more difficult for any single device or technique or modality to completely and permanently ameliorate ALL of the (usually very severe and disabling) ES or EHS symptoms of those sufferers, as the true root cause or problem goes well beyond the body's reaction to certain components of EMF.

So, for those many folks who have contacted me and asked why I seem to refuse to try to market my devices to the ES, EHS and (self-described) EH communities, and rather, why I seem to offer them largely to folks from other sectors of the population, well... you may find your answer in my notes in the paragraphs immediately above!

Q: [added Oct 22, 2006] I am a physicist and astrophysicist, and also an aerospace engineer. So you know where I am coming from, I will remind you that Einstein wrote "I did not arrive at my understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind. The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you." I agree with Einstein that much of our work in understanding how the universe works is done via intuition and not with the rational mind. When I read about your quantum coherence devices and how you believe that they work, I see that you repeatedly state that the effects can only be explained by quantum physics and that both the component of EMF which your device is addressing, and the way in which it handles it (by cohering it) are somewhat beyond the pale of understanding of modern physics. However, in this realm, my intuition immediately kicks in and says something a little bit different here.... Isn't it true that the explanations for the "quantum noise" and the way in which your coherence device (and similar devices as well) works more likely lies in a realm beyond quantum physics, the realm which is known as "subquantum physics", and also known as "subquantum kinetics" or "subquantum mechanics"?

A: From my perspective, you are one hundred percent right, and I agree with you wholeheartedly about the actual explanation lying in subquantum physics!  I also agree that most of our work in exploring the largely-uncharted edges of physics is done using not the rational mind but rather via intuition. Indeed, I do briefly reference the fact, on the theoretical pages on this website, that the explanation for how these cohering devices work likely lies more in the realm of subquantum physics rather than in the realm of quantum physics. However, I largely use the term "quantum physics" simply because most people have at least heard of it, and have a bit of a grasp of what that field encompasses. Subquantum physics, on the other hand, is very obscure and very esoteric, and very few persons have ever heard of it, and even fewer understand what it tries to describe and predict. Thus, I continue to largely use the "quantum physics" explanation to at least give readers a handle on what I am talking about, and to at least point them in the right direction. However, I reserve for a select few (in fact, very few!) the further explanation that the mechanics really lie in the realm of subquantum physics!

Q: [added Oct 22, 2006] I am a rather sensitive intuitive and clairvoyant, but I am not particularly electrosensitive. When I first turned on your Quantum Coherence device (model SWHO-09), I felt overwhelmed and oppressed, kind of by a weight or heaviness. The feeling was a lot like being bathed in something that I did not like, and I felt unsettled too. This lasted for the couple of hours that I had the device turned on, and it was quite uncomfortable. Then, when I tried turning on the device a few days later, and again on other days after that, I felt absolutely no effect from it at all. What is this about? I can understand feeling no noticeable effects, because I do not consider myself electrosensitive, but why the bad reaction at first?

A: Actually, your report makes a lot of sense to me, from my perspective... The early discomfort followed by the "no effect" response of the later exposures is a bit typical of a number of users and is reassuring to me, as these devices -- per my earlier email on this topic -- are not intended to have any direct effect upon humans (or animals) but rather simply and only intended to remove certain irritating chaotic incoherent subtle energy signals which are emitted as an EMF electrosmog component by manmade devices (i.e., phones, motors, etc.) and systems (i.e., the power grid) and by geopathic earth zones/spots. So, in this way they are very different from the Clarus QLink type devices and from broadcast-type devices, both of which are intended to have an effect upon persons via the biofield (i.e., the marketing material for the Clarus device claims that it is designed to affect the aura by amplifying it or strengthening it.) Also, it is worth noting that some people experience some tissue detox or tissue cleansing symptoms when first exposed to my quantum coherence devices, again due to the removal or cohering of certain irritating chaotic incoherent subtle energy signals which are a component of EMF electrosmog, and it seems that when the body first experiences this amelioration of the chaotic electrosmog subtle energies, it may shift to a somewhat higher level of coherence; this shift is often accompanied by a release of old toxic substances and energies from tissues and/or the biofield. And then, after a few hours (or days) of exposure to the device, the body (if the person is healthy and full of vitality) will adjust to this situation, and will rarely, if ever, experience such a cleansing/detox effect in the future from exposure to the device. If a person has a greater load of toxic "information" and patterns stored in their organism, then the detox reaction (aka "cleansing reaction") may last for several days and up to a couple of weeks.

Q: [added Oct 22, 2006] I am an energy healer. I do not believe that I am electrosensitive at all. I felt no effects from using your Quantum Coherence device (the model HO-09), and this is not new. I have tried many area treatment devices and many of the Clarus devices over the years, including the Clarus Qlink pendant, and I have never felt any effects from any of them. By this I mean that I have felt no effect at all upon my energy levels, health, vitality, or consciousness. Yet, some of these devices, including the QLink, claim that they will affect my biofield directly and make it stronger, but I still do not feel any effect. Why is this?

A: Of course, as the Clarus QLink vendors make clear, the Clarus QLink pendant is quite different from my Quantum Coherence devices. Their device, according to Clarus, is designed largely to "amplify" various aspects of the individual biofield, thus reportedly strengthening it, and is NOT intended to smooth or cohere incidental incoherent subtle energy fields or signals occurring in ambient space. My Quantum Coherence devices, on the other hand, are NOT designed to directly affect the biofield at all (unless the biofield in question happens to be loaded with incoherent and chaotic subtle energies, in which case there may be a brief and temporary adjustment period of cleansing or detox symptoms as old toxic patterns are cleared and cohered) but rather are ONLY designed to cohere (i.e., to render coherent, to smooth) certain irritating subtle energy fields or signals which often occur as a concomitant of EMF radiation from manmade devices (i.e., phones, motors, digital equipment), manmade systems (i.e., the power grid and cell phone transmission towers/systems) and even occurring as part and parcel of naturally-occurring geopathic energies. In your case, I happen to know that you are not only an energy healer, but also very healthy and full of vitality. Thus, it makes sense that you will not notice any significant observable effects from either of the categories of devices which I have discussed immediately above. In the case of the quantum coherence area treatment devices (such as my Quantum Coherence devices), this lack of effect will likely be due to the fact that you do not experience significant symptoms from exposure to EMF from manmade devices and systems. In the case of the biofield-strengthening devices (such as the Clarus QLink), you are already very healthy and vibrant, and thus it is likely that your biofield is already quite strong and robust, and the effect of any device (such as the QLink) which is designed to affect the biofield will likely be minimal and insignificant.

Q: [added Dec 7, 2006] Would you consider acoustic noise from physical sources such as trucks, loud voices, machines, the buzz of a terribly crowded and populated city, the stressful hustle and bustle of urban traffic and etc. to be incoherent and chaotic noise sources which your devices may help to transform -- much as they do with the subquantum aspects EMF noise -- into a more coherent structure in a particular space?

A: Briefly, my answer is: No, the category of noise is much too broad as you have defined it. Let me explain it this way: to me, all those things which you have cited can be considered to be noise, at least by some observers some of the time (to others they may have a meaning or rhythm not obvious to some.) And, you seem to be also asking if auditory noise or vibrations (i.e., booms, sensation of a jackhammer, or the jumble and confusion of a traffic jam) are types of noise which may be transformed by my Quantum Coherence devices. The brief answer to that question is, of course, no, these devices will not affect acoustic noise or urban hustle and bustle, just as these devices (as well as any other area treatment devices in this field) also will not affect classical Hertzian EMF signals -- including those which are simply "noise" -- directly either.

Rather, much as is explained -- and this is all explained elsewhere on the theory pages and FAQ page on this website -- what these devices have been designed to affect are a type of incoherence, aka "noise", which exists at what most have called the "quantum level", but which I (and a number of others in the field) believe is really more at a sub-quantum level. Nonetheless however, I believe the term "quantum level" is still useful and descriptive, because the sub-quantum phenomena will usually manifest on the quantum level as well. And, as I have written elsewhere on this website, many believe that this quantum noise or sub-quantum noise can arise from any of several sources, including:
  • natural phenomena, including so-called "geopathic energies" or "geopathic stressors"

  • as a secondary by-product of "noisy" electric fields, magnetic fields and EMF fields produced by many kinds of manmade systems (i.e., power distribution system, cellular phone networks, radio/TV broadcasts over airwaves, etc.) and manmade devices (i.e., motors, cell phones, telephones, loudspeakers, stereo receivers, fluorescent lamp bulbs, digital clocks, computer circuitry, power supplies, transformers, etc.)

  • as an accidental (or even at times deliberate) byproduct of activities of the human organism (i.e., worry, agitation, anxiety, etc.)
And, most people in this field who believe in these quantum or sub-quantum noise fields believe that of the above-named sources, the second (manmade systems and manmade devices) is by far the most predominant and overwhelming source of noise on that level today. It is that noise which these devices (as well as some others in the field) have been designed to cohere. However, having said all that, I have a strong intuitive sense (and I am aware of other persons in this field of area treatment devices who have the same feeling; some vendors even use this as a major marketing point) that there is an interesting effect upon a human being (or dog, cat, monkey or microbe, etc.) if they are exposed to sources of external noise such as sounds or urban bustle, and if they happen to be within the range of the field of effect of these devices, and that is best explained thusly:

Since the devices tend to offer some degree of coherence to any subquantum noise within their radius of effect, any human (or dog or microbe) which is within the range of effect and carries any significant subquantum noise in the matter which makes up their tissues will likely experience an increase in the coherence level at the subquantum level, and it is my observation (and intuition as well) that this can lead to greater resilience or robustness of the organism in the face of all kinds of external noises such as you have cited, such as traffic noise, auditory noise, loud music, urban noises in general, etc. So, the devices do not act on external auditory noise, visual noise or EMF noise directly, but rather may yield an effect on living organisms exposed to those noise sources / stressors by restoring some degree of coherence on the subquantum level to the chaotic noise floor which had previously been present at that level due, most often, to a subquantum (i.e., subtle energy) side-effect of some EMF emissions from manmade devices (or from natural geopathic stressors.)

So, the answer to your question is no, but I suspect that you were really trying to reference the pervasive subquantum-level quieting phenomena which I tried to describe above. In summary, let me put it this way: Many people have the experience that such devices act on the sub-quantum level much as a good nutritional supplement will act on the physical / biochemical level, affording the organism a greater degree of inner stability, robustness and coherence. So, in this way, I view the effect of my quantum coherence devices as a subtle "subquantum supplemental nutrition". And, as I note repeatedly on my website, some folks will not notice any obvious effect at all (or may perhaps notice only slightly better sleep or slightly improved dream recall or a somewhat more acute sense of smell or taste), if they had not been strongly impacted by subquantum noise sources or if that simply were born with what I will call strong "genetic constitution" which remains quite robust and stable in the face of strong subquantum noise. On the other hand, it is my experience that a good number of normal people -- who have never identified themselves as electrosensitive nor been diagnosed by a healthcare practitioner as electrosensitive -- will experience greater levels of energy, clarity and focus (i.e., greater levels of inner coherence) from being exposed to such devices. And so, I sometimes call the effect of the Quantum Coherence devices to be that of a "subtle coherence supplement".

Q: [added Dec 7, 2006] Do any of your Quantum Coherence devices employ the Schumann Resonance, perhaps emitted by a magnetic field antenna or by a scalar field antenna? I ask because there are a number of such Schumann Resonance devices on the market, all of which claim to offer protection from harmful effects of EMF, and because the early 1970's-era Earth Resonance Generator (ERG) which was developed and marketed by Patrick Flanagan, used a signal at the Schumann frequency feeding a scalar antenna, and his ERG device was quite well-received at the time by users.

A: In brief, no, none of my off-the-shelf PoP prototype Coherent Space devices currently employ the fundamental Schumann Resonance (aka earth resonance) frequency, which is around 7.83 Hz, nor any of the other Schumann resonance frequencies, such as harmonics of the fundamental frequency. And, for a longer discussion of the matter, here goes, below:

Dating back to the first times I played with one of Patrick Flanagan's Earth Resonance Generators (aka ERG) in the late 1970s, I have had great respect for the general class of Schumann Resonance generators, particularly the ones which (much like Flanagan's ERG of the 1970s) employ scalar transmitting antennas. However, some of the modern array of vendors of Schumann frequency generators tend to market their devices as area treatment EMF protective devices, and from my perspective, the assertion that they offer "EMF protection" is not necessarily literally true (unless the devices include also coherence technology as well.) Rather, what these Schumann resonance devices do is emit a small signal at the Schumann frequency (usually the fundamental Schumann frequency) via a scalar antenna. This may offer the body a convenient natural-type signal on which to "lock in", since the naturally-occurring Schumann resonance frequency signal is quite weak and is rather masked by manmade noise.

So, the more responsible vendors of such devices simply claim that they may help to protect people against some of the harmful effects of electrosmog by offering a stronger Schumann-type signal, thus helping the body to remain more robust or stable in the face of high levels EMF signals and EMF noise. In other words, the more responsible vendors are NOT claiming that their devices affect EMF pollution directly, nor that their devices are removing or cohering any incoherent fields at quantum level or the sub-quantum level. Rather, they are simply and accurately stating that their devices offer a strong signal at the Schumann frequency. which will hopefully stand out against the very noisy background, and thus perhaps will override the background noise and offer the body a nurturing signal to replace the natural Schumann signal, which is nowadays completely obscured, particularly in urban areas. I fully agree with this more conservative assessment, and this paradigm is somewhat different from stating (as do some vendors of Schumann resonance devices) that the Schumann resonance devices actually neutralize or remove electrosmog at the subtle energy level.  Of course, this claim might be totally true if any of the Schumann devices also contained coherence technology in addition to the Schumann signal technology, but to my best knowledge, none of the commercially-available devices incorporate such coherence technologies (i.e., offering smoothing of incoherent noise on the sub-quantum level) at this time.

As I mentioned above, I do have great respect for Schumann resonance devices. Much as I have mentioned elsewhere on this website, I have been working and playing in the field of devices which may help to protect people against some of the harmful effects of EMF for many years, since about 1976. A good majority of my first, second and third-generation devices in the 1970s and 1980s employed Schumann resonance generators driving any of various scalar antennas. My later-generation devices started more and more to drop the use of the Schumann frequency, not because there is anything wrong with this technology, but rather because I was starting to see stronger and deeper protective effects from using what I will call "coherence technologies" -- these almost always employ materials and/or fields or signals which seem to be able to convert or transmute incoherent (aka "noisy") fields at the quantum or sub-quantum level into more coherent fields. My latest generation of PoP prototype devices, which I started offering in about April of 2006, do not employ the Schumann frequency at all. At least, that is true for the devices offered on the catalog pages of the Coherent Space website. The reality is that I do occasionally build customized Quantum Coherence area treatment devices which not only contain my standard coherence technologies, but which also contain a Schumann Resonance generator driving the coherence antenna. These are normally created only as customized devices for commercial or private clients who envision using the devices for unique applications. Some versions of these devices (available only to specialized commercial / industrial clients for certain settings) will emit a Schumann resonance frequency signal on the subtle energy level which has a range of over four miles.

Q: [added Dec 7, 2006] You and other writers in this field refer repeatedly to the sub-quantum or quantum-level effects when explaining your devices. I keep reading on the web about scalar waves, and I keep hearing also that scalar waves can directly affect quantum and sub-quantum phenomena. You have indicated that some of your devices can act as a "strange attractor" for noisy scalar wave signals and somehow lend coherence to them. My problem is this: There has been so much nonsense written on the web about these scalar waves that I am not sure that they exist at all. What is your opinion on this matter: do you believe that scalar waves exist?

A: I note that many folks in the sciences seem to be incredulous about the putative existence of scalar waves, which noted researcher Glenn Rein tends to call "quantum waves"; I personally prefer the latter term as well, due the incredible butchering and mangling of the terms "scalar waves" and "scalar field" by certain lecturers and authors who seem to be pretty adroit self-promoters. While I have no interest in getting into an argument or even a protracted discussion (as I have no need to convince anyone of anything nor to sway anyone to my point of view) with anyone about this matter, my current understanding of the matter of scalar waves is as follows:
  • that there are likely several types or kinds of "scalar waves" or "quantum waves", some of which travel at the speed of light, and some of which propagate at speeds far faster than the speed of light (i.e., superliminal speeds). Indeed, as Dr. John. V. Milewski, the noted materials scientist (retired from Los Alamos Laboratories) has pointed out in his essays on what he calls "Superlight", it seems that at least one such type of field may travel at a superliminal speed which is the square of the speed of light.

  • all of the types of "scalar waves" or "quantum waves" are relatively difficult to detect with most technological equipment which comprises the investigative armamentarium of modern Western science

  • none of these types of non-classical fields are well explained nor conceptualized by the extant models and laws of modern Western science.

  • in general, with the exception of a few technological novelties, sophisticated high-order (i.e., highly complex) biological systems, aka biosystems -- ranging from microbes to cytochromes to cells to humans and animals -- seem to be far better at detecting such fields/waves than are inanimate machines constructed by Earth-bound 20th and 21st century humans

  • largely due to the above-cited reasons, there is a tremendous amount of hype and nonsense and science-babble which has come from both sides (i.e., the pro side and the con side) over the past 20 years about such phenomena; much of the worst of the babble on both sides of the discussion may be found on the Internet.

  • it appears that there are a number of fairly robust and reliable methods of generating one or more of the types of "scalar waves" or "quantum waves" which I mentioned earlier. Some few of these methods include: excited gas plasma, strong electric fields interacting in space or in high-density dielectrics with high dielectric coefficient, caduceus coils, bifilar-wound coils, bucking solenoidal coils, bucking toroidal coils; the latter few methods were mentioned by Glenn Rein in his February 2004 article called "Bioinformation Within the Biofield: Beyond Electromagnetics", and similar modalities have been cited in multiple works by Dr. William Tiller and others.

Q: [added Dec 7, 2006] I am exploring the purchase of a EMF device, but it is not because I feel sensitive to EMF. Rather, I find the environment in the city in which I live to be very unnatural. I want to find a way to bring the positive vibrations of nature into my surroundings so that I can get better rest, relaxation, and peace of mind. I am sure there are also EMF issues involved, but my primary motivation is to find a device to help bring positivity into the environment. Will your device and other EMF protective devices help?

I practice Vipassana meditation and I try to give Meta (good vibes), but sometimes the environment in this extremely busy city is so overwhelming I can hardly maintain a balance of mind.

Do you consider your devices an appropriate choice for experiment in this endeavor?

Considering the rather high price, I may be better off first trying a cheap pendant protective device which is much less expensive.

A. Yes, my devices have a wide variety of coherence effects, offering sub-quantum coherence on all levels, not just for sub-quantum aspects of "EMF pollution". In fact, my FAQ pages on my Coherent Space website ( talk about some of these other devices. Also, I have spent years myself training in Zen and other Buddhist meditative disciplines. In terms of inner practices and coherence, I personally find the heart coherence concepts methods developed by and taught by the folks at Heartmath to be most helpful in this area. I own their emWave Desktop (previously known as emWave PC or the Freeze Framer) heart coherence biodfeedback device, and enjoy it a lot. I do consider my devices appropriate in this endeavor, quite so, BUT... consider the following facts first:
  • I am regularly advised (with admiration) from customers, prospective customers and vendors of other brands / models of such devices, that I am one of the few vendors in the world of such devices who "tell it like it is" on my website about how these technologies really work, i.e., that it is not really based on a hard cold science, but rather these devices use principles just beyond the very edges of what our modern Western science can conceptualize, and that is why I market them ONLY as Proof-of-Principle prototypes with no refund/return possible. This may be because I am not primarily a producer or marketer, but rather primarily an R&D scientist.

  • My devices are quite a bit more expensive than some of the other devices on the market in this field, and, of course, quite a bit less expensive than some of the devices in this realm!

I know from earlier conversations that you have been considering purchasing one of my larger Quantum Coherence devices, which range in price from $550 to $1,100. Frankly, were I in your shoes, and if I did not want to make the price jump to my technologies, I would probably go - and I am speaking here from intuition and from experience -- with one or more of the following:
  • Q-Link pendant; the cheaper ones cost only about $150. They do not claim to protect directly against effects of EMF, and they do not claim to directly affect noisy subtle energies produced by EMF, but rather they are intent devices, imprinted with an intent which is designed to help strengthen your own biofield. By the way, until 2002, Q-link pendants always felt too "harsh" for me whenever I tried wearing them. I started regularly ingesting the cluster of Paleolithic-era beneficial syntropic antioxidative microbes (SAM) in 2002, and my health and well-being improved a lot as a result of ingesting SAM, and since then I find that I simply feel no effect at all from wearing a Q-Link pendant (and so my Q-link pendant rests in a drawer!) So, we all vary in our responses to these technologies.

  • The Quantum Home, from Quantum Products, at ; it costs about $300. It does not employ coherence technology as do my devices, but uses some interesting intent programming and interesting frequencies (no, not Schumann frequencies). I was hired by a competitor to test the Quantum Products device in my lab, and it is not bad at all. I still prefer my devices, but it is my impression that their device is solid and real.

  • My gut sense tell me that you might also do well with a Schumann resonance-type "EMF protection" (not really EMF protection at all, and rather, they work to strengthen your biofield by bathing it with signals at the frequency of natural Schumann frequencies, emitted from a scalar antenna) device called the "Scalar Synchronizer", about $370, from Synchroton, a division of Optimox, at:

    There is VERY little info available on the web or elsewhere on these Synchroton devices, and they actually resemble very closely a first and second-generation EMF protective Schumann resonance technology which I built and used extensively in the late 1970s and early 1980s. But, speaking here as an industry insider and as one of the original researchers / developers in the field since the mid-1970s, they appear to be a solid company and their devices appear to be solid, if only because they resemble my first and second generation devices; my own devices are now up to twelfth-generation and no longer use Schumann resonances (not that there is anything wrong with them) and instead use sub-quantum cohering materials coupled to special antennas (although I still do build customized Schumann / coherence / antenna devices for some industrial customers.)

Q: [added Dec 14, 2006] I've had my coherent space device for some months now and seeing as I have been feeling so well, I started using it less and not carrying it with me everywhere (I have model auto-21). I felt fine to start with and wondered if the positive benefits I attributed to having the device were instead really a result of something else. Then it started again: after about a week of not having the device with me much, I began having joint pains (a recurrence of my old electrosmog symptoms). So I began carrying the device with me again and thankfully my electrosmog pains once again disappeared. What is going on here? Why the lag in the return of symptoms when I stopped using the device?
A: Thanks for reminding me, I have been hearing sporadic reports from several users of this fascinating phenomenon with my Coherent Space Quantum Coherence devices that all fall along the same story line, as follows:

After using one of the QC devices for a period ranging from 3 weeks to a couple of months and experiencing some nice benefits, such as reduction in aches, pains or headaches from EMF electrosmog, and improvement in sleep as well, each of the device users then decided to do a fun experiment where they moved the device totally out of range for a couple of weeks, so that they could see any effects due to the absence of the device. In each case, the experimenter fully expected -- much as did I when I heard of these simple experiments, that within a few minutes -- or at the most, a couple of hours -- of the removal of the device from their immediate vicinity, that the effect would start to fade, and that some minor earlier symptoms of electrosmog effects might return in short order. However, this was not to be the case. Rather, each of these persons has reported to me that they noticed no change at all at first, and that they continued at their newer level of vitality and well-being for anywhere from five to ten days after the device had been first turned off or removed (as appropriate for the model.) Then, for each of them, at a point from five to ten days (seven days on average) from the removal of the device effects from their space, each reported that they noticed a gradual return of any of several symptoms of electrosmog effects, and that these symptoms grew gradually stronger over time, eventually reaching somewhat near their original (pre-device) level of intensity. Then, when the user-turned-experimenter brought the device back within range (and turned it on if needed, as appropriate for the model), they found that the electrosmog symptoms faded within a few hours or a day or two. So, in effect, they are reporting a lag time or a half-life decay time for the effects, where it seems that some kind of positive effects of the QC device seem to persist (at least for some people) for about 7 days after the person was last exposed to the device. This is very unusual, and I have never heard of any similar reports regarding any similar EMF area treatment devices on the market.

When I go to an intuitive level and ask about this phenomenon, what my intuition seems to tell me is that the exposure to the QC device -- for some persons -- led to a higher degree of inner coherence in their body-mind-spirit on a sub-quantum level from the field effect, and that this state of higher coherence, in effect, lends itself to greater robustness and resilience in the face of EMF electrosmog for a while (perhaps from five to ten days, or longer for some persons) after the QC device has been turned off or removed. Then, at some point, this new-found higher inner level of subquantum coherence seems to gradually fade over time, and at some point the person may again begin to experience some electrosmog symptoms which had earlier disappeared when they were first exposed to the device.

My intuitive sense tells me that there is only one other technology / brand on the EMF protective device market which seems to offer true subquantum coherence effects (the brand in question uses a dried seaweed as the cohering material), and that thus users of these devices may also experience some of that "gradual half-life decay of effect" over time after exposure to the device. However, since the brand of devices which I mentioned do not appear to use an antenna (as do my QC devices), my intuition seems to indicate that this lag or half-life decay effect may be smaller and shorter in duration with their devices than with my QC devices.

Q: [added Dec 18, 2006] [Coherence Q, PART A] I respect your approach to the design of your devices. You've said yours are one of the few EMF protection devices that do not use either intent technology nor broadcast a signal but instead use true coherence technology.

A: Yes, my devices actually employ special biogenic materials -- which are able to cohere signals at the subquantum level -- coupled to exotic antennas -- and do not use intent nor broadcast a signal.

I suspect that this is why I was never guided to market any of the earlier generations of my EMF protective devices, the first of which date back to 1977; it was that they did not contain true coherence technologies, and thus, they simply would have become one more of the many devices already on the market which were simply trying to superimpose their own frequencies or energies or pattern on the environment by "broadcasting" frequencies or intent, and this would not have been particularly useful.

Q: [added Dec 18, 2006] [Coherence Q, PART B] Correct me if I am wrong, but I think this means that your devices function by introducing a level of natural "purity" to a space whereas many other devices introduce the designers' own interpretation of what they consider to be "reality" or "purity". A danger in this is that you don't know they level of purity of mind these designers have. What if they are knowingly or unknowingly introducing impure intents?

A: Well, what the vast majority of devices out there are doing is ignoring the incoherent subspace noise flux itself, but they are -- as you wrote -- trying to superimpose on it certain "frequencies" or "energies" or even intent, and, yes, these paradigms can be subject to any of several attendant problems, not that any of them are necessarily inherently bad. But what is notable is that such technologies are NOT removing incoherent or chaotic noise information from the subspace level, nor are they transmuting it (or transfiguring it) into a coherent flux.

Q: [added Dec 18, 2006] [Coherence Q, PART C] I would assume that the other devices you mention may function much like a mantra, in that they mask out harmful vibrations and noise so that you can feel more peaceful and quiet. However, the problem with using such external sources of vibrations is that you lose awareness of the actual real reality of your body and mind at this moment.

A: Yes, I see your analogy and I tend to agree. I particularly suspect that this is why my body / spirit never lets me wear the QLink pendants for long.

Q: [added Dec 18, 2006] [Coherence Q, PART D] Also, I am assuming that perhaps your devices function differently in that they merely help passively quiet a space and to bring it back to a coherent state (much like when you go to nature), rather than introducing new active energy. If this is true, then I think it would be a conducive thing for my Vipassana meditation practice to have the device in the space.

A: Yes, I agree. We actually discussed this aspect at some length before you ever decided to purchase the SHO-05 Quantum Coherence device. Since you had mentioned when you first contacted me that budget was an issue, I even suggested three or four other types and brands of "EMF protective" devices which were far less expensive than my devices. Interestingly, in short order, when all was said and done, it seems that your intuition or inner wisdom guided you toward my QC technology, and you then ordered the SHO-05 device.

Q: Gee, this stuff is interesting, are there any list groups about these kinds of devices?

Yes. After fielding many emails and phone calls on these and similar quantum quieting and anti-electrosmog technologies and devices, I decided to start two new email list groups at Yahoo Groups about the technologies and devices – and their effects – in this realm. Those two new list groups – now one group at due to the downscaling of Yahoo Groups in October, 2019 – are listed below, along with a recommendation for a good list group on electrosensitivity (ES) for those who are interested. The list groups are listed below:

1) The Forbidden Science (VP) group hosted at encompasses and subsumes topics covered by each of the several relevant legacy list groups that I had operated at private Yahoo Groups, including Exotic Energies, Ormus-like, Ormus PWT, Time-Space Doorways, Elixir Vitae, Jenny Cell, Radiation Hormesis/Radiation Nutrition, and Quantum Quiet (space effect devices) legacy list groups.

Forbidden Science (VP)
The term "forbidden science" was first coined in the 1980s by Dr. Jaques Vallee, a PhD computer scientist and strange/fringe science researcher, to describe those fields of scientific investigation that the current scientific "establishment" tends to view as quack science, or as fringe science, and as undesirable topics for "serious" scientists to research; those fields include the topic of UFOs and "space aliens", alchemy, ormus nutritionals, the paranormal, overunity devices, exotic energies (aka prana or chi) beyond the pale of conventional electromagnetics, and numerous other "fringe science" and "strange science" realms.

This list group serves as a continuation of the various legacy forbidden science list groups, listed above, that were operated by Vinny Pinto for 15+ years until the October 2019 downscaling of Yahoo Groups. Vinny is a mystic, spiritual teacher/guide, spiritual healer, and a multi-disciplinary consulting and R&D scientist/engineer.

The primary focus of this list group is to discuss topics in the realms of forbidden science, aka strange science, aka fringe science, including UFOs and "space aliens", alchemy, ormus nutritionals, the paranormal, overunity devices, exotic energies (aka prana or chi) beyond the pale of conventional electromagnetics, and numerous other "fringe science" and "strange science" realms.

While the name and description of this list group are publicly listed at and on search engines, all posts sent to the list group are private and are viewable by list group members only. This is a moderated list group. Further, all applicants wishing to join the list group must state their reasons for wishing to join along with their name and general location, and all posts sent to the list group must be signed with the poster's first and last name in order to be published. We do not tolerate hate posts, and we do not tolerate trolls, nor troll posts.

How to Join
If you are interested in joining this list group, you may do so by visiting the list group home page and clicking "Join" at:

Or you may send an email to:

Please note that the list group, as is true of all of my email list groups, are restricted-membership list groups, and thus, once you have applied to join, you will then shortly receive an email from the mailserver, entitled something along the lines of "Your Pending Membership in….", which will ask you for certain information; you will need to send the requested information (including your first and last name) back to the list group moderators by replying to the message if you wish your application for membership to be approved.

2) Esens: Electrosensitivity (ES) List Group
I realize that at least some of the folks who may be most interested in topics such as EMF protection and quantum quieting devices are folks who may be classified as electrosensitive. In the past month or two, I have stumbled across a list group at Yahoo Groups which is devoted to electrosensitivity, and as a list group owner myself, I must say that I am impressed by the general quality of most of the posts to the group, and even more impressed by the quality of the past posts in their archives. So, if you are interested in a good list group which disscusses issues regarding electronsitivity, and also discusses the various devices and remedies which people have tried, then I can strongly recommend the Esens: Electricial Sensitivity (ES) list group at Yahoo Groups.

Group Name: Esens, aka Esens: Electrosensitivity (ES) List Group.
Group home page:
To join by email:


Please note: This material is offered solely for educational and informational purposes. Any technologies or devices mentioned on this page are experimental prototypes only, produced for the sole purposes of research and Proof of Principle evaluation by professional or individual researchers or experimenters. The reader understands that the author is not engaged in rendering health or medical advice or services.  The site owner and authors provide this information, and the reader accepts it, with the understanding that people act on it at their own risk and with full knowledge that they should consult with licensed primary care medical professionals for any medical assistance they may need.  The author(s) of the material presented on this site are neither medical nor nutritional professionals.

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